Example sentences of "i [subord] i [be] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Graham puts an arm around my shoulder and swivels me until I am staring squarely at the stage .
2 My second thought , which did not occur to me until I was crawling back along the floor towards my bed , was that today was the day when I was due to Testify .
3 my mum 's seventy five , how does she get back er ten pound of potatoes and all the week 's shopping , I say well I 'll go and then he moans at me cos I 'm running around after everybody else but
4 For some unknown reason I thought my chute must have been torn off me while I was getting out of my kite , and almost gave up making any further efforts to save myself .
5 ‘ Silly cow , ’ he breathed , as he ran down the bank into the yard , ‘ she 'll probably go cold on me while I 'm buggering about over here . ’
6 That thought had occurred to me before I was hauled off to Southwold police station for the interrogation .
7 Well now , at the end of that six months I 'd had varied success , sometimes I had poor periods when I was n't detecting much , then I would have a little break , do better , but at the end of the six months nobody told me whether I was stopping there , but twenty years later I did go back to uniform as an inspector .
8 One girl shouted out to me as I was bundled out that she had lost her camera and money .
9 And no , the man who walked past me as I was running up that long hill at 15 miles did n't help much either .
10 Well when you say cake , do n't get the wrong ideas , erm my idea of a cake , the vision that I had of a , a three tier cake , came to me as I was striding home from a meeting across The Downs and I had this vision of a three tier cake .
11 She would beat me , push me as I was going downstairs , and do anything she could to try and harm me and my baby .
12 A gentleman stopped me as I was coming back and he said do you own a white Austin Metro .
13 I can not think what came over me as I was brought up chapel like you but unfortunately my father was a miner and not a grocer .
14 ‘ Franca , girl , forgive me for walking in , I had the key , remember , from when you gave it to me when I was staying here when I was getting better .
15 and , and Northbrooks ever since it was built right next door to me when I was living there er , many years ago and er get the , the new development done , and so that I do n't think we should hold on .
16 Er they supported me and canvassed for me when I was putting up , but I ca n't see them going , whereas I can remember the erm the when I was a child going to the , we used to have a fete and it was a politically , I ca n't remember exactly what it would be called , but I know mother and the Guild were always there making the tea and got a stall and they were always in the forefront and they 'd always got their rosettes on .
17 Whereas , just yesterday , my friend Ruth said to me when I was going out : ‘ You look great ’ .
18 I did n't like The Beatles or the Stones until a couple of years ago , 'cos that used to be drummed into me when I was growing up .
19 This came home to me when I was travelling alone in the Far East for some months .
20 ‘ She comes out in the boat with me when I 'm going round on other jobs . ’
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