Example sentences of "i [was/were] at [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I was at a temporal disadvantage , for some things to which he made reference were unknown to me .
2 Accordingly I was at a front row table for the show when the lights went down .
3 And a couple of weeks ago I was at a chemical engineering company where the managing director told me that they were now using accountants for their safety experiments instead of rats .
4 They might be shocked if they realized their destructive influence on those they meet Last night I was at a social gathering .
5 So , through no fault of my own , I was at a loose end quite a bit .
6 Not knowing what was going to happen to me or how rapidly the disease would progress , I was at a loose end .
7 I was at the antenatal clinic .
8 Leeds ' disallowed first half goal , just after the canaries ' one , looked good to me but I was at the other end of the pitch peering through the floodlit rainstorm .
9 But even I could n't blame him for the phone ringing just as I was at the front door .
10 A little later , I stood nervously beside my bag , hoping that I was at the right bus stop for Sligo .
11 I was at the recent launch of Opportunity 2000 , an excellent initiative by Business in the Community .
12 I was at the Royal Academy this year , and the portraits there were almost universally vile .
13 In 1974 I was at the National Theatre doing Shakespeare with Sir John Gielgud and whenever there was a play it was in repertory form , so another play came on and I had five days off , so I 'd fly to Toronto , have a three day ‘ loon ’ in Canada and then come back .
14 I was at the National Theatre doing a play about a flying picket called Line ‘ Em by Nigel Williams .
15 I was at the top end one , and all the draught come through the door , paralysed me .
16 I was at the first-night party of Come Blow Your Horn , ’ said Braden , ‘ and remember being completely fooled by his American accent in the play , so I was very surprised to hear him talking in an English accent afterwards . ’
17 I remember when I was at the Open University , the people who were engaged in implementing Open University programmes in the States , who were the deans in charge of the Open University experiments , were all women and all ‘ marginal ’ to the mainline male career people .
18 Thank you Chair , as the chair of that meeting yesterday , I was wondering if I was at the same committee as this m these minutes came from , because when I read the minutes two and three , I certainly did n't remember us passing those .
19 They put a lot of effort into it , but I tell you what , if I read Access , I would never have believed I was at the same conference .
20 Must say , I know some of you do n't like boxing , erm , I was at the last tournament in Honiton .
21 I was at the local convent school from twelve to eighteen years old and I was considered clever but ‘ strange ’ .
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