Example sentences of "i [vb past] [to-vb] [pron] in the " in BNC.

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1 I had a thought for no-one 's but your ears , That you were beautiful and that I strove To love you in the old high way of love , That it had all seemed happy …
2 I recall , for instance , the occasion around that time I happened to encounter her in the back corridor .
3 I arranged to meet her in the tiny port at Tala-Tala where she was waiting for me .
4 I decided to telephone him in the hope that he was still soothing his habitual hangover with buckets of orange juice , followed by gallons of coffee .
5 I decided to phone him in the evening .
6 I decided to keep them in the count because they gave an interesting sidelight on the history of lending libraries in England with some specific examples , and there were not too many of them .
7 I went to fetch it in the van .
8 I do n't think I had ever watched the dawn break until my Waaf days — certainly I had never stayed up all night before , and however many times I had to do it in the course of my duties , it always seemed to me a highly unnatural procedure .
9 I had to put one in the microwave
10 but I never had anything , I just went from one to the another , and I had to take it in the hall one day and I was n't , I was never very good at maths anyway , not that kind of maths .
11 I had to keep you in the dark .
12 ‘ John was away a great deal , Laura and I travelled to join him in the constituency when we could and inevitably there was uncertainty and strain in the air . ’
13 I knew that the throat mike would take the strain , I intended to wear it in the front of my hair , as originated by the cast of Les Miserables , not as Joyce wore hers — at the throat — as TV presenters wear them , on the lapel — which in any case was something I did not have .
14 Besides , I wanted to put you in the picture .
15 At this stage I wanted to put you in the picture . ’
16 I wanted to dig him in the ribs and tell him that Mrs F was the last of twelve children in her family and her father 'd been a maintenance man on the railways .
17 I wanted to ring her in the morning , she 'd sounded so unhappy when I left her .
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