Example sentences of "i [vb past] [det] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She do n't pay me got another pack of peanuts so I have got a few that few , but you do n't need any old bag do you ?
2 I asked several people besides Demetriades , who had been at the school only a year , whether Leverrier , Mitford 's predecessor , or Mitford himself had ever spoken about meeting Conchis .
3 I made this arrangement with Señor Parnham .
4 Naturally , when I made this suggestion to St John and his sisters , they protested strongly , and it was with great difficulty that I finally managed to convince them of my firm intention to carry out this plan .
5 I made some comm-calls to contacts on planets here and there , pretending to some that I was looking for commissions , to others that I was in different parts of the galaxy transporting things for different people .
6 If you look at the News item regarding Hoof Branding in the September issue you will see that I recommended any form of security marking and that hoof branding was suggested as an alternative to freezebranding for those who choose not to freezebrand their horses .
7 An artist I met that evening at Dr Caskie 's suggested that I exchange my tourist food permit for a civil emergency ration card , and do my own marketing and cooking .
8 I met this Frenchman at Masstricht who kissed me on both cheeks .
9 ‘ Well , I do n't know , ’ says Charles , ‘ but I met this girl in television the other evening , and she said people are going to be dropping off your Matterhorn thing like fleas off a dog . ’
10 I met this bloke in August who said , ‘ I 'll only consider going out with you if you lose three stone ’ .
11 Then one night I went out and I met this DJ from Taboo , which was a club at the time .
12 I met this fellow from Newmarket when we were at The University Arms in Cambridge .
13 I 've never talked so much in my life and they were interested , they were , I got all sorts of things in , Britannicus and Henry VIII and The Broken Heart and The Winter 's Tale and feminine endings and they did n't stop me , they said go on — oh and Satan 's speech to Eve in the garden — I was in a place of my own — oh glory . "
14 They packed their bags , sold the house and left me : I got that news in prison .
15 I got most relief from Solpadeine .
16 pullover and I got those socks for Tony .
17 We 've been told if we go over the two pound , they wo n't sell , sell so well , erm , so really I 'm not too sure , but er , I , I can work on bigger , er , like I got this couple of days off living Manchester , I 'm sure if I approach erm , you know , the police , they might give me a couple of days selling out there .
18 Yes I got this pile of papers on the Wednesday .
19 I wish I got this fish in butter .
20 Moreover , I feel wonderfully assured in my musical perceptions and convinced of their rightness — thanks to what I experienced this week at Mannheim with Wagner . "
21 ( I reviewed these arguments in Chapter 3 . )
22 When I tried this sort of stuff before , I had one flight in a sort of plywood packing-case painted the colour of the blue stuff they used to paint on your balls when you got crabs and spent the rest of the day hanging around with a pack of strangle-voiced bores in bobble hats .
23 I found all sorts of reasons for it , like not being there when my father died .
24 His own description of what followed is worth repeating : ‘ I found this location in Glasgow that I really liked and took about 15 shots of it .
25 I had known Willie since childhood days at Nairn , Geoffrey I had come to know later ; and while I greatly admired them both , and still do , I found this closing of establishment ranks deeply shocking .
26 Wishing hard to avoid the carved arches , I invited all manner of alternatives and shot them down one by one as unsuitable .
27 I stood in kitchen and I smothered this slice of toast and butter were just literally running off it and it were
28 I approached several people for money to back the project .
29 I drew some cheer from Jamie and his goals .
30 I used this technique for areas of detail , or when I needed deeper areas in large washes .
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