Example sentences of "i [vb past] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I asked her to come to see me on the day after her arrival and at the hour of sunset , the best time for the wonderful view that I then had to offer her .
2 Lucy knew she had to tell him something , so she said , ‘ She got mad with me when I admitted you 'd taken me for two bush walks .
3 They thought I meant for five seconds but I made them practise holding their tone for twenty or thirty seconds .
4 I realized I had to do something about it myself .
5 As it rolled away , I realized I had left my parcel inside , and given the coachman all the coins in my purse .
6 But I realized I 'd said it so I tried to dig myself out the hole
7 On Wednesday after the selection committee meeting , I realized I 'd left my fountain pen in here .
8 It was just as I was sitting down in the living room with my cup of coffee that I realised I 'd left my bag on the train .
9 ( I realised I had to cancel them , otherwise I 'd get the balance down a bit , then get clothes fever again . )
10 Before I realised I 've got mine .
11 I needed your help , Claudia , and when I realised you 'd disappeared I knew you 'd try to leave without seeing me again .
12 It was n't until he asked if he could take some off that I realised he had got himself well wrapped up — with 24 articles of clothing , ’ said Taylor .
13 From her encouraging smile I realised she had suggested me for something .
14 About the third time we went to the beach ( I took them to the one known since 1945 as ‘ Staging Post B ’ ) , as soon as I rejoined the group I realised she 'd told them .
15 I presumed he worked does he ?
16 I expected them to start flexing their muscles in a wrecking , ransacking assault on the ship .
17 Well , finally she left , and I saw her to her jeep with the new hair-drier which I found I had to press her to keep .
18 The strap is a strong rubber one but I found I had to overtighten it at the surface , otherwise it became loose when my drysuit seal compressed at depth .
19 This she did , however , rather rapidly and the next moment I found she had overtaken me and was standing before me , effectively barring my way .
20 My father was a Gemini , and I knew your mother was a Sagittarian as soon as I found he 'd given her half the clip .
21 I caught her trying to brush her hair the other day .
22 I assumed he 'd found us somewhere else to live while it was being rebuilt .
23 I assumed you 'd got it worked out somehow , ’ she murmurs .
24 ‘ Well , say I then took Fiona off him and maybe I told him to go find himself another filly and the next thing was he got a pincer-hold on my ear and was bopping me one on the nose and there I was bleeding fit to fill the Frenchy furrows so naturally I gave him one back . ’
25 Was n't I told you have to hold them tight and not for a minute take your eyes off them ?
26 I 'd I 'd heard it was a mill .
27 And er but it was only about half past five I did n't I never stopped till the I just kept going now tha well about half past four , I started to pack up and I realized my sandwiches were still in my snack box so I I 'd I 'd had one one earlier on whilst I was still working but yes the lady there she made us a couple of cups in the morning , er cu cup of coffee , I think about what yeah about half ten time but the time I painted a little bit and I thought oh I 'll stop and have a fag , with my coffee and I had a cup of tea later on in the afternoon but er I did n't stop , I kept going , you know and then course by time I got to my drink , it was cold it was cool , so you drink it straight down
28 ‘ My anger at the time of his death was n't just because I believed you 'd distracted him , it was more complicated than that . ’
29 I attacked your servant only because I believed he had killed you .
30 No I mean I opened but I forgot I had to switch it on .
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