Example sentences of "i [vb past] [noun] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Every year after I became chairman of British Steel we set aside one board meeting at which the objectives of the organisation were raised .
2 I asked Janet with studied casualness .
3 Despite this , it was Alison Kraemer I made love to that night and every night thereafter .
4 I made toast from left-over bits of baguette and always kept a kettle on the hob .
5 This herb has tiny leaves here , and is furiously strong : I made tea from some herbs I picked , put in a generous sprig of peppermint , and spat out the result in shock .
6 At the time that I was contending for the ordination of women to the priesthood of the Anglican Church , I made use of another argument , drawing out the implications of patristic thought .
7 There were many goats on the island , and I made fields with high fences to keep them in .
8 I met Victor during joint training .
9 My wife and I met people of all ages and nationalities ; we particularly appreciated the enthusiastically-friendly and helpful staff .
10 Tanks and guns bombarding one 's inside seemed totally out of place , so I sought inspiration in earlier times , in the knowledge that what was once just as hideous has , over the years been softened by children 's books , Morte d'Arthur and the legends of chivalry .
11 Mrs. X mentioned in her letter that she was giving thought to taking civil legal action , so I sought advice on private prosecutions from both the Attorney-General , for such actions in England , and the Lord Advocate , for similar cases in Scotland .
12 Finally I passed rows of sombre-looking huts , blackened by cooking smoke and infested by scores of small children and large dogs .
13 I got Idan on this tape telling me he loves me .
14 But I got plans for this money .
15 " Actually , I got scholarships at both universities . "
16 Oh and I happened to be standing in the back kitchen you know and I got hold of this saucepan and I picked my little brother up and put him under my arm in case he got hurt and I oh I belted my father from his head to his feet with the saucepan .
17 At the moment I got access to two cars .
18 I experienced tears of real grief for the first time when my granny died .
19 Next , I tried thinking of cold drinks and old friends , but the pain hung on .
20 Doubled up with pain , I found support between two Lada cars ( what else ? ) and emptied my insides with great gasping spouts .
21 So after completing my National Service , I did all the things that everybody does when they 're trying to break into show business , urged on by my father 's insistence that I found employment of some sort — ‘ Get a job , any job , just get one !
22 We were on the moors , close to Wuthering Heights , when I caught sight of two men talking to her .
23 When he moved his head I caught sight of minute areas along his hairline where there was apparently no colour at all , as though the bistre shade of his face were a mask .
24 Blues too is commonly regarded as centrally to do with the expression of alienated subjectivity caught within oppressive social structures ; in a previous book ( Middle ton 1972 ) I argued that the effects of this are apparent in the musical form itself-in disjunctive structures , an immanently contradictory musical language and a commitment to ‘ authentic ’ self-expression — and I drew parallels with modernist art .
25 Last time we talked I mentioned work in artificial intelligence , and this is one of the areas in which work is being done .
26 ‘ Ivy writes ’ , I told Elizabeth at this time ,
27 Yeah , but sometimes you , I go , got I told dad about this lad , got this this lad , he 's crazy and that keeps , keeps erm joking and everything , running around acting a right fool like yo , and that !
28 I told Rob about that place er , I told the others you know about the the judge m'lord ?
29 Well Ja , Janice says we should listen to the children , which is what I did , I interviewed children of divorced parents five years after their divorce , and I found that the children thought that their parents were right to di , to divorce , the parents could n't sustain their marriages .
30 yeah , I played darts against this bloke , scratch golfer
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