Example sentences of "i [coord] [pron] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He has also presented several photos to the Society that are new to me and we reproduce one in this Journal — others will follow in further editions .
2 He said , yeah , there has , which came as a great relief to me and we left it at that .
3 Luckily the main guy was able to call me and we discussed it for quite some time . ’
4 They were glad to see me and they shook me by the hand and one of them said :
5 You take your orders from me and I take mine from the Chief Constable .
6 I had brought my bag with me and I left it in Armstrong along with my wallet , spare cash and watch , just taking enough to pay for a ticket and a towel .
7 It stayed with me and I keep it under control by taking eight tablets a day — and , of course , avoiding all the lovely cream cakes I used to enjoy .
8 Cos Michael started it , he said we 're never said anything when we set off in the car , and then he said that he 'd had this fax from me and er Andrew said , well it was n't actually from , er , from me to the , it was fetched up to me and I sent it in the office .
9 I washed them trainers our Johnny given me and I cleaned them for him to try and save and then them black shoes for school to save his boots for the
10 I was very happy there , not just because I 'd won but also because the crown was very nice to me and I saw lots of Portuguese people .
11 The sweet smell comes to me and I recognise it as horse sweat .
12 I know it must seem an unnecessary fuss to you , Dana , but it 's a big opportunity for me and I want everything to be as perfect as possible , ’ she said urgently .
13 Eating was natural to me and I want it to be normal and natural again .
14 She nuzzled me and I cuddled her with tears streaming down my face . ’
15 ‘ My dad plays tricks on me and I play them on him .
16 Then , as my breath has now returned to me and I find myself in the company of my bestest friend , it is my considered opinion that we proceed together upon the epic journey and face as one whatever adventures lie before . ’
17 Finally , one day a boy called Charlie bawled out , ‘ Nigger ! ’ at me and I chased him in a fury .
18 After school , he was waiting for me and he exposed himself to me .
19 And she took to me and she took me to Liverpool and they were very good to me .
20 and I was upset so I went to my doctor who 's a lady doctor and she 's young , she explained things to me and she put me on H R T and it changed my life completely !
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