Example sentences of "i [vb base] in [noun] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 That 's right , and I think that erm , yes , there 's a notion that I find useful in talking to students that we all have a comfort zone , there are all things that we know about , that we know how to do and if anything comes up — I mean in business it might be accountancy , we do n't all know how to handle figures , and so that 's an area that we 've hived off in that area and we all know that when we do that we are , as it were , giving up a bit ; we 're saying ‘ well , I ca n't manage I just do n't have I ca n't do that , it 's not for me ’ .
2 Appearance fits , though I suppose in court I could n't swear for stone-cold certain .
3 You know I 'm I 'm spending money and time on him that really I suppose in theory I would be spending on my own grandchildren .
4 I suppose in theory I could be lying through my teeth and have some other reason for wanting to go to Strathspeld — maybe I 'm just getting homesick for Scotland — but I 'm certain he knows that I 'm not lying and that there is a body ; I think he can see it in my eyes .
5 Everything I do in future I will tackle with total concentration and self-assurance , and I will do it well .
6 There would be I think in total there would be three black arrows .
7 In fact , I think in Bournemouth you can actually make locals on Mercury now at the normal rate which is good !
8 erm I think in fact it would be better to ask Mr Bailey to explain what his concerns were erm I 'd just like to say first although initially it revolves around problems of drinking , I 'm looking at other issues of East Oxford , in that recently there 's been a great deal of concern about glue sniffing in sections there , and there have been various letters from residents in the local newspapers , and I think there 's a general level of problem for people living in East Oxford , and it 's not just that the people there want the streets cleaned up or whatever , they want something constructive and helpful to be done for people .
9 She said I think in practice they will make considerable input in the care of their daughter , not necessarily with the heavy physical work of care .
10 For an update of what I have in stock you can give me a ring anytime , but visits are by appointment only at the moment .
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