Example sentences of "i [vb base] we can [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Okay well we 're in a really bad situation , I mean we can achieve something at least and perhaps oh perhaps communism does n't work after all , they just seem to be doubting their own beliefs and what they 've read .
2 so , so I mean we can review it as it goes
3 You 'll cope with it but you 've got ta buy , your moonboots we should be able to get the market Jill said around , I mean we can get them in cash and carry for nine ninety nine but we should be able to get them at Blackbushe market for five to six ninety nine .
4 I mean we can say what it 's made of and we might be able to make a guess at how old it is .
5 At Bridgend he looked in despair , and he almost admitted as much : ‘ I hope we can pull it together but sometimes I have my doubts . ’
6 There 's also want more money to cheapest in the country and I say good and I hope we can fit it in this budget time and I hope we all support this , for this .
7 It was such an excellent atmosphere that I hope we can make it an annual fixture . ’
8 I hope we can persuade him to come back peaceably .
9 Next week we shall be in Scotland with the Helensborough and Gerloch Horticultural Society so I hope we can cultivate your interest again then but for now from Daphne , Fred Walter and from me Stefan goodbye and may I wish a joyous and peaceful Christmas to all of our gardening friends everywhere .
10 I hope we can help him . ’
11 I hope we can help you
12 I know we can thank them for showing some tennis , unlike ITV which does n't show any at all , but they do n't show half as much as would all like .
13 I reckon we can let him go now .
14 But I believe we can meet your fee . ’
15 " It 'll warm his little heart for once , " he thought , " and if the leaders do get attacked , I suppose we can spare him easier than some . "
16 You can come if you like , Nails , as I suppose we can call you the owner of this new arrival .
17 So subject to me taking advice from the Chief Executive , er I feel we can do what members require .
18 I think we can manage it , ’ Richard said .
19 I think we can protect our children much better than we do , for one thing there is a law that says it 's illegal to sell tobacco to children under sixteen , that law is flouted every day in a large proportion of the , er the shops in this city and in Scotland .
20 I think we can expect our keeper to have a good game always , with exceptional games often enough .
21 " Why , I think we can do something about that , " said the little girl .
22 And it was a belief that to cut at the roots with small scissors would make a difference , because it would have a cumulative effect and that 's why I think we can do it in our own society .
23 I think we can do it .
24 You 're not convinced , but I think we can do it .
25 But if you look at science as a way of exploring their world , a world they can structure their curiosity about aspects of the physical world , about aspects of the environment , then I think we can do it very early indeed , probably from the time children can come to school at the age of five and from reception classes onwards .
26 But if you look at science as a way of exploring their world , a world they can structure their curiosity about aspects of the physical world , about aspects of the environment , then I think we can do it very early indeed , probably from the time children can come to school at the age of five and from reception classes onwards .
27 I think we can do it .
28 We all know that we are under the microscope after various events in the past , but I think we can control ourselves ’ .
29 For a while , at least , I think we can offer them assurances that we are taking steps to locate it .
30 Thorfinn said , ‘ I think we can beat him with two thousand gone , provided the Normans remain .
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