Example sentences of "i [vb base] [verb] [det] of [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is to the connected questions of developing and making available our unpublished collections , and dealing with the problem of what constitutes a published source , that I propose to devote most of this paper .
2 I want to see more of that , ’ said Allan , ‘ People looking for an answer from TOP first , rather than trying some other way and only using the philosophy as a last resort .
3 Leap of Faith will be my third completely straight movie and I want to do more of that and less comedy .
4 ‘ I 'm really into the guitar playing , because that 's what I 'm about , but there are so many other things that I 'm capable of and so I want to get some of that out there , too .
5 I want to hear some of this heavy breathing man .
6 I want to discuss each of these currents now in a more critical way .
7 And of course what I want to know most of all is why Paul 's number plate happened to be in Lord Cumbermound 's stable . ’
8 well I like watching some of these but I do n't know
9 I remember seeing some of those photos for the first time , I mean the ones with women with chicken heads laying eggs .
10 Despite its usefulness , I do see most of this sort of work as fundamentally flawed .
11 I 've seen many of those books and reviewed some of them and the moan I 've had is that sometimes they try to be too accurate .
12 Yeah oh it 's quite good I 've seen some of that
13 Anyway , I 've seen enough of that lot for one day . ’
14 That 's I 've done all of that plus them others you
15 Trial and error , I do n't know , I think I 've done enough of that .
16 I do n't even think I 've done half of these yet
17 I 've had more of this than I can take . ’
18 There 's going to be new legislation soon which will make it dead easy for landlords to kick tenants out and I 've had enough of all this as it is . ’
19 I 've had enough of all this .
20 I 've had enough of that racket . ’
21 I 've had enough of that bloody scrump for one night , ’ he growled .
22 I 've had enough of that !
23 I 've had enough of that .
24 " Yes , Jim , I 've had enough of that hot stove — there 's no comfort through there .
25 I 've had enough of that at the moment .
26 Finally Clare had screamed , ‘ I 've had enough of these scenes . ’
27 I 've had enough of this team stuff , ’ he said .
28 I 've seen one sergeant with fourteen years ' service chuck it and go to Australia , saying : ‘ I 've had enough of this bloody job . ’
29 She said : ‘ Look , I 've had enough of this bloody place .
30 I 've had enough of this , Wallace .
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