Example sentences of "i [adv] want [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , I 'm sorry , I just wanted to see a nurse .
2 Erm , there 's also , I just wanted to say a bit about the ambulance er .
3 I 'm sorry , I just wanted to make a couple of points in response to erm things that people have said in relation to my opening statement , erm Mr Brook er mentioned the fact that er none of the employe none of the new settlement proposals of which he was aware , erm included an employment element , erm I just wanted to place on record the fact that our suggested reworking of policy H two does provide for an explicit land er amount of land for employment purposes , erm as part of the new settlement location , I wanted to say that because I , I 'm not invited to appear on your employment day , and I do feel that this is an important component of the the H two strategy , and clearly that employment component will be drawn from the Greater York allocation , the second point , Mr Sexton erm I believe said that in his view you could not find a site for a larger new settlement er within the or outside the Greater York er greenbelt , erm which would not result in physical coalescence with the existing villages in the area , now I 'm not sure whether he was referring to any particular size of larger new settlement , but I invite you to look at the er land range at one to fifty thousand er map of the area , and you will see that the area outside the greenbelt is characterized by erm a very rural area with sporadic villages , and my believe is that there are erm sites available within that area which could accommodate a larger new settlement , the planning point is of course the larger the new settlement becomes , I think the less that that the reduced number of sites you will have available to accommodate erm that proposal , because of its scale , and the third aspect I want to comment on Mr Cunnane and Mr Thomas erm said that Barton Willmore had not made a need argument for the new settlement , well if I 'm not mistaken that 's what we spent most of this morning discussing under policy H one , and I do n't erm I do n't wish , and I do n't suppose that I 'd be invited to repeat the comments made by Mr Grigson this morning , I do n't think there 's any need for that , but that establishes in our mind very clearly there is a need for a new settlement in the range of two thousand to two thousand five hundred dwellings , erm in the period up to two thousand and six , and I wo n't say anything more on that .
4 Bodie said , ‘ I just wanted to get a look at you before they spirit you away .
5 I could not re I did n't go , I er , I just wanted to have a look at them but I , I could n't resist it .
6 Erm I just want to fake a letter .
7 He 'd be jolly with the guards , telling them , ‘ It 's OK thanks , I just want to lose a bit of weight , ’ and hold his belly , saying , ‘ Look at all this fat . ’
8 I just want to take a shower . ’
9 ‘ It 's all right , angel , ’ Bernice said , offering her hand and pulling the girl to her feet , ‘ I just want to take a look at this thing we 're in .
10 I just want to take a look . ’
11 I just want to make a couple of movies a year . ’
12 and is that , I always feel threatened or paranoid I just want to make a point on on paragraph seven the rule in which to review the is that my understanding that review will be about the role and of the rule in which the .
13 Yes , but I just want to make a point here .
14 I just want to have a look around it .
15 I just want to have a word with someone . ’
16 I just want to have a word with Suzi . ’
17 I just want to have a child of my own . ’
18 Yet I desperately want to have a friend or two to socialise with .
19 Well , you could , no you can ask yourself , you can ask yourself , because you 've said to me very clearly that you do not regard yourself as ever speaking for yourself , surely you can now think , would I ever want to answer a question like that ?
20 The first animal she ever made friends with was a pig : ‘ When I was small I always wanted to join a circus with a troupe of six Tamworth pigs .
21 I sent away and passed the exams and I became a policeman , but I always wanted to become a policeman when I , from about eighteen or nineteen it 's just that I drifted the wrong way .
22 I always wanted to find a woman who liked to do what I liked to do — but I could never find one who wanted to drink and chase women .
23 " I always wanted to have a child , " said a nineteen-year-old woman living on a Sunderland housing estate with her parents .
24 CATHERINE No , I would like to have been , I always wanted to have a child but I never did .
25 Actually , I always wanted to write a play about how life gets so tedious that we start reminiscing about what happened two minutes ago .
26 Straightaway , " Mum , " I said , " I still want to have a bike badly . "
27 I also want to try a sweater in grey with a black outline pattern and then fill parts of the pattern with fabric paint colours .
28 I also wanted to get a rhythm through the work which portrayed some kind of dance .
29 I really wanted to create a reference book for my twin daughters , Alicia and Alexandra , of all the recipes I loved as a child , and still like cooking , ’ explains Sheila .
30 I often want to lookup a value in a form and then on the result run one of a selection of procedures .
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