Example sentences of "i [adv] [verb] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I literally stopped seeing for a very long time .
2 If any of them talked to me , I just lay shaking in the bed staring at them , soundless and deaf .
3 I just like goin' to the pub .
4 I just like goin' to the pub .
5 I just sat staring into the darkness , hugging my knees .
6 When I finally stopped growing at the age of 17 I felt relief .
7 In fact , the only bird of prey I ever saw hovering over the park was a kestrel .
8 It worked rather well , and I made far more by doing that than I ever had working for the paper shop .
9 I always remember working on the , on the pub I , I , I did a lot of work on there for them and er he got some panelling
10 Oh yes I always went fishing as a wee boy , me and my brother .
11 I always enjoyed listening to the Parmigiani in the Mass .
12 I also remember thinking at the time that dressing like a white man and taking a white man 's name was n't ever going to hide the Apache in him .
13 Its entrance was discovered in 1950 and two years later this deepest of all gouffres acquired a sad celebrity with the death there of Marcel Loubens , a Belgian speleologist , who was badly injured deep underground but could not be got to the surface quickly enough to save his life , a story I dimly remember reading at the time in newspapers .
14 I really enjoyed experimenting with the Utopia , although I would argue that while one company 's products are undoubtedly the most compatible from the technical standpoint they might not be the best combination for sound — something hi-fi buffs have known for years .
15 There is a lot of satisfaction in achieving the clean , EPR look , but I really enjoy working in the dramatic , gritty PolaGraph style , like this set of swimwear shots I did for Ms London for example . ’
16 I well remember watching from the projection room the first showing in Vancouver of ‘ Knickerbocker Holiday ’ , with Charles Coburn singing that fine old ballad ‘ September Song ’ .
17 I well remember going as a new convert into a Baptist church for the first time : how strange I found that row of five deacons ' chairs which dominated the scene , and even stranger the little cups for communion .
18 Once I had set up my basic ingredients , I then started working with the group at the bottom of the picture .
19 I therefore started working for the first time in my life .
20 I never go fishing without a watch .
21 I never ate looking at the back of somebody 's head before , ’ Goldie muses .
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