Example sentences of "i [be] [v-ing] [adv] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Captain and I are developing quite some expertise on the effects of explosives on metal .
2 Having reluctantly cleared me of the charge of indulging in orgies with my entire sales force , you seem to have got it into your head that Lexy and I are carrying on some kind of affair .
3 I find at the moment there is very little I actually want to watch , that I 'm actually disillusioned , I 'm getting very little pleasure !
4 Of course they do n't know whether I 'm married or single , why I 'm buying so much food , or how much money I 've spent on food that week .
5 ‘ We all know that XR3s and Cossies seem to attract a lot of unwanted attention , but I feel I 'm paying too much insurance on what is a Plain Jane family saloon , ’ he says .
6 I 'm talking about that night I blacked out .
7 before I 'm coming down this morning .
8 But , fuck , I 'm putting so much work into it , I 'm working so hard .
9 I said , I 'm going away this weekend , I 'm going away next weekend
10 I 've got a yard from I 'm going up that side and I 'm a yard from the point
11 I thought I 'm going down this time .
12 I 'm going back this afternoon , ’ Ellen said as they stood at the bar , watched by every eye in the place .
13 I 'm going home this evening , ’ she announced , forcing herself to speak calmly .
14 I 'm going out this way
15 Going home later in the afternoon , Matthew said , " Unfortunately I 'm going out this evening , otherwise we might have had dinner together . "
16 But I 'm going out this evening — a party in Cheltenham . ’
17 ‘ Well actually I 'm going out this morning too . ’
18 I was reading somewhere this morning where he 'd been with eight clubs in one season .
19 The next day I was hanging out some washing and he walked past me .
20 Very few athletes enter sport without the assistance and encouragement of a teacher who might innocently create serious tensions , as with Jackie Jackson , whose PE teacher strengthened her commitment to athletics , a commitment which proved destructive to her educational aims , as she pointed out : ‘ I was spending so much time in athletics that I could n't give enough time to my ‘ A ’ levels . ’
21 As an avid reader of Hot Press and several other music mags , I recently decided that I was spending too much time reading about music and not enough time listening to the stuff .
22 And now , just as I was giving up all hope
23 I was putting too much pressure on myself and could n't cope , ’ declared the halfway leader .
24 Maybe I was putting too much Asti in the slammers .
25 So I knew I was going away this time .
26 Parked was here , I was going up that way .
27 And I was going up this ladder .
28 But there were men in it for quite a while , I was wondering when that kind of faded out .
29 funny I was making so much noise can hear it .
30 I was worrying over some homework
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