Example sentences of "i [verb] it is [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 I mean it is nice that you do n't know anybody who you feel might be despairing .
2 I mean it is true that this is adults ' business , as it were , and that children are not in a position that they can take the sort of action that is going — certainly in the Gulf situation — to effect a change .
3 But I know it is sad that all our clubs are out of Europe now and it will probably be a long time before we can hope to dominate abroad as we once did .
4 I know it is unlikely that I will see it , but just the thought that I might is enough .
5 As I indicated to you on the phone on Friday , I believe it is appropriate that I formally review the position of the sale of your company following receipt of the indicative offers .
6 Er , Council are also agreeing to the road and a District Council are in agreement with the road , albeit that they have asked for the road to follow more closely to the erm but I believe it is acceptable that the road and the line of the road in general principle is .
7 Since it was on 11th February in 1984 that I published the Apostolic Letter Salvifici Doloris on the Christian meaning of human suffering , I believe it is significant that the same day is set for the celebration of the ‘ World Day of the Sick ’ .
8 They are there to see in various books that have been published ; I suppose it is sad that they have n't been seen by a wider opera-going public .
9 I suppose it is possible that squatters or other vagrants took possession of the house between the time of my uncle 's death and the sale of the property .
10 I feel it is important that you , your readers and the tennis public should know that I no longer take part in any decision making relating to the business of the company or the centre and therefore I take no responsibility , for either the success or failure of Junior Tennis Centre Ltd nor Sutton Junior Tennis Centre .
11 She said : ‘ I think it is terrible that puppies can be dumped and left to die when the RSPCA is giving so much help to people who can not afford the vet 's bill for sterilisation .
12 I think it is appalling that this man could be out in 3½ years .
13 I think it is great that he bothered sending their records to us .
14 I think it is arguable that the fact that Channel 4 did do something different , and for much of this period has had almost half of its management structure female , actually led , inside the Channel , to a totally taken-for-granted different way of behaving and thinking about things , and a lack of poncing around , a lack of all these other structures and hierarchies .
15 I think it is sad that in so many areas of life , we have allowed our society to be so fragmented .
16 In addition to this , I think it is appropriate that we also take the opportunity to look ahead to the next three year phase , the developing work load of the adviser and the future development of FWAG in Lothian .
17 I think it is correct that the world champions play in the Third World as often as possible , ’ he said .
18 I think it is strange that he has had so few affairs and he is 30-years-old , ’ she says .
19 I think it is incredible that with the supposed new spirit of co-operation , a major tourist country like France should have this quite ridiculous position where people wanting to pay for goods and services are being charged exorbitant fees , ’ he said .
20 It is possible to get round the need to refer to yourself by using the following devices , which can be varied in order to avoid any over-formulaic effect : — Adverbs and adverbial expressions Instead of " I think it is likely that … " use " Arguably … " ( but bear in mind what we have said about " arguably " above , Chapter 3 , p. 68 ) .
21 If , on the basis of this , I were to proceed to make very careful observations of the weights of a wide variety of human earlobes , recording and categorizing the many observations , I think it is clear that I would not be making any significant contribution to science .
22 I think it is clear that , despite the obscure wording of section 8(2) of the Act of 1986 , Winchester and firms in its position are not , and were not , members of Lautro either by reason of actual membership or by reason of the statutory definition .
23 For my part , I think it is clear that the court in Ex parte Handscomb , 86 Cr.App.R. 59 did decide what Mr. Douglas Hurd understood it decided , namely , that in setting the tariff for prisoners serving discretionary life sentences , the Secretary of State is obliged to adopt the judicial view .
24 But he stressed : ‘ I think it is clear that there are savings to be had and we shall be keen to take those into account . ’
25 I get a tremendous kick from the creative aspect of life , and I think it is this that keeps me so well and full of vitality . ’
26 If people get the impression that the education system is in a thoroughly depressed state , erm I would want to argue against that in general , but I think it is true that the short-term cutbacks have made everybody erm thoroughly anxious and miserable , anxious about their jobs , miserable about not being able to produce resources for education .
27 Nobody has come to see me today about that and I think it is disgraceful that the surgery has been disrupted , ’ he said .
28 I described colour mutations as deformities , and I think it is obvious that fish suffering from such mutations can be even more disadvantaged than those with crooked spines or distorted finnage .
29 If these articles are to be useful then I think it is important that experienced practitioners , such as myself , should share a monumental cock-up as readily as the creative triumphs .
30 And if you do n't feel that you can fit in a pupil comment , you have to be very careful here because some people will take it as a cop-out and not do it and a that worries me and it has happened and I think it is important that the youngsters are actually given some guidance and the opportunity to do it .
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