Example sentences of "i [verb] her [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 She lets me furl her around for a while , and makes those shammy gasps she knows I like , and gives detailed promise of all that cocked and candid talent — before she calls a halt , slithers off the bed , corrects her clothing , brushes her hair , changes her shoes , powders her nose , slides my Johnson out of her mouth and insists on lunch .
2 But long before her death my grandmother was a ghost to me , as if she was never really there , even though I visited her regularly as a child .
3 This bizarre characteristic did not disappear with the end of the war , for when I visited her home during a sugar shortage in the 1970s , I saw the dining-room mantelpiece piled high with two-pound bags — enough , surely , to satisfy the most desperate sweet-tooth for months , or even years , to come .
4 Then I rang her up with a real ‘ he said , I said ’ story , an embroilment with a friend which had worried me .
5 I took her there for a last relaxing evening before we threw ourselves into the election campaign .
6 for many years and I wheeled her around in a , in a
7 She might let me to take her out in a minute .
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