Example sentences of "i [verb] them [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After the heavy rains of the past days I expected them to be full , and they were , a lot fuller than when I had seen them the year before .
2 I found them to be cheerful , reassuring old men , and delightful conversationalists .
3 These guys therefore must have a facility of ensuring that the price is correct , from an internal control point of view I want them to be involved in certifying that the price is correct .
4 I want them to be impressed by what they see .
5 I want them to be amused .
6 I 'd like to see what hard nosed er B A I E people would make of it you know people who are making a living from doing the same well you know when I employ somebody coming into the business this is what I want them to be able to do um this has always been of course an a criticism
7 I know them to be human creatures made in God 's image too , the womenfolk most lovely and most temperate ( for the most part ) , and I would not abet the evil Spaniard in his slanders .
8 As I gave my gun to the officials to keep , I warned them to be careful with it .
9 This is the case with the verb watch , which is never found in constructions with to : ( 45 ) * I watched them to be obnoxious .
10 Surprisingly , however , all these verbs ( except , apparently , watch can also be construed with the to infinitive : ( 36 ) I saw them to be obnoxious .
11 As for the barbecue , even the guides can handle it in an emergency , but after the strenuous river trip I prefer them to be able to relax .
12 And we were called into this long room at the erm it was at House at and er there was all these well I considered them to be old men , they could n't have been so old you see but I was only a boy .
13 Herbert , a 22-year-old Reading University history student , said : ‘ I wanted them to be prepared to die for it — and they nearly did . ’
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