Example sentences of "i [verb] that the [noun] [is] " in BNC.

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1 He was prepared to forgo some of his rights , but I contend that the state is required to defend those rights for the benefit of its citizens .
2 I repeat that the lady is his wife , and not his sister .
3 I declare that the amendment is lost .
4 By this I mean that the bait is only fished on the outward journey , the retrieve being of such a speed to bounce the bait across the surface and although I 've seen pike strike at these surface poppers , it 's a very rare occasion .
5 In an earlier Chapter I argued that the canon is ‘ bursting ’ , because of the advent of other anglophone literatures , and the increasing interest in contemporary writing .
6 I stated my views to Lord Stanley as fully as I could , but I fear that the Exchequer is not in a condition to enable him to second my views , 1 think you will do me the credit to say that if any man can organize an Expedition for interior research I can , and that there are few if any here more qualified from experience for such a task .
7 If I judge that the agreement is in the interests of this country I will sign it .
8 If I judge that the agreement is not in the interests of this country , it would not be right for me to sign it and I will not sign it .
9 THE LORD JUSTICE GENERAL : My Lords , I apprehend that the question is one of construction and of construction only .
10 Of course I realise that the fallacy is so crude that it would be below the dignity of any academic economist to soil himself with such much .
11 I realise that the canal is scheduled as an Ancient Monument .
12 I say that the alliance is temporary , because exchange of genes between plasmids is common .
13 Lastly , I fear I may have to disappoint you when I say that the coin is more interesting than valuable .
14 If I say that the sky is yellow , they say , ‘ Yes , Sir , you are right ’ .
15 I suggest that the impact is just as forceful for older children .
16 Nor do I consider that the principle is advanced by identifying specific categories such as husband and wife or elderly parents and adult children ; the principle applies whenever a creditor knows or ought to have known that the relationship between debtor and the surety gives rise to a real risk that the surety may not contract freely and with a full appreciation of the nature of the obligation being assumed .
17 Thank you and as far as the jaguar 's concerned I noted that the jaguar is not being phased out now until two thousand and four , that being a three year further delay .
18 On this basis I conclude that the plaintiff is able to show an appropriation sufficient to satisfy section 1(1) of the Theft Act 1968 when the third party accepted delivery of the article .
19 On this basis I conclude that the plaintiff is able to show an appropriation sufficient to satisfy section 1(1) of the Theft Act 1968 when the third party accepted delivery of the articles . ’
20 Smiling , Luce remarked , ‘ I noticed that the panelling is carved with the signs of the zodiac . ’
21 round the fact that I hope that the auditor is n't gon na try and isn pretend that we had that for all last year .
22 I hope that the Minister is more successful with his new portfolio than his predecessors were and I wish him all the best in the difficult task that lies ahead of him .
23 I hope that the Minister is able to deny newspaper reports about the Government 's attitude to safety .
24 I hope that the Minister is not back-tracking on them because we would take a dim view of that .
25 I hope that the Minister is not speaking about the date that must not be mentioned .
26 I hope that the reader is as awestruck as I am , and as William Paley would have been , by these bat stories .
27 Because facing such questions has brought the work on long-term memory in Aplysia into the same biochemical arena as my own in the chick , I want to postpone considering them for the present and instead look at some of the problems which , in its singlemindedly reductionist approach , Aplysian orthodoxy — at least the orthodoxy of the mid-1980s , as I suspect that the position is now becoming much more flexible — has ignored .
28 I suspect that the confidentiality is largely that of the Secretary of State , and am confident that in acceptance of our decision he will not seek to maintain a claim to such confidentiality .
29 ( I suspect that the primary is wound for 220V continental mains , not 240V as indicated on the box ) .
30 I suspect that the reader is by now getting confused or even angry .
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