Example sentences of "i [verb] you [modal v] say that " in BNC.

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1 yes , well I expect you 'd say that worded better in the interests of a vulnerable section of society to take this
2 I suppose you could say that , but I had never thought of it in those terms .
3 And I suppose you could say that in a way it it worked .
4 I suppose you could say that the occasion went with a bang .
5 I suppose you could say that he deserted .
6 I suppose you could say that there are one or two ‘ grey areas ’ .
7 But I suppose you could say that it was a war that needed fighting ; if that can ever be said about any war . ’
8 I suppose you could say that we got a lot of interesting , philosophical reflections on national characteristics , the inadequacy of police methods , his own probity and old-fashioned virtues .
9 I suppose you could say that I 'm a kind of manageress .
10 Well , I suppose you 'd say that Elise and I had a very close relationship for a time . ’
11 I think you would say that the details , important to the sufferer are immaterial to the state of mind .
12 I mean I think you could say that while you were
13 And while it 's very reassuring that schools have n't changed too much — I do n't think we want everything to change overnight — I think you could say that schools are open to the same criticism as of British industry at the moment , that they are institutions which perhaps are changing too slowly for the demands of the modern world .
14 I think it should be remembered that that public support actually was against a requirement of one thousand nine hundred dwellings , which is not quite the proposal being put forward by the County at the moment , but it is clear that there seems to me n not to be any public or great strength of public objection to the sort of proposals that are now before you in this enquiry , and it also seems to me that the reasons behind erm that that public support are essentially because it meets the first requirement of paragraph P P G thirty three , that the alternative expansion of existing towns or villages will represent a less satisfactory method of providing land for new housing that is needed , I think that is the essence of the public support , and so first of I think you can say that that 's that means that first criteria , and certainly it seems to meet the second automatically because it an expression of public preference .
15 Now for a motor car I think you can say that the practical desirabilities of a car , and the acceleration and performance and looks are very important , one could also say that the fact that many people have their cars bought for me by the firm they work for means that they will therefore buy a larger car than they would if it was their own money that they were spending , so the market for cars is perhaps not one which is determined by energy efficiency or even optimum efficiency in terms of people 's and prestige is coming into it as much as these other factors and it is determined by who pays the money .
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