Example sentences of "i [verb] that [pron] might [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is why I asked that he might attend here .
2 By this I mean that we might have a complete , consistent , and unified theory of the physical interactions that would describe all possible observations .
3 I mean that it might have taken me some time to see through your ‘ innocent abroad ’ act .
4 And in fact there are even more subtle things than that you can find if you look carefully at Oh I might er I think that we might go out into the garden and I 'll show you one or two other features out there that are er even more er interesting and er er exciting .
5 Looking back I am increasingly grateful to the many people who took a share in this fortunate happening , though now I realise that I might have expressed my gratitude to them more often and more appreciatively .
6 I believed that he might bring forward such an amendment , but he has not done so .
7 Indeed the Court of Appeal in Phekoo expressed the opinion that it only applied to rape but I hope that one might interpret that to mean ‘ rape-like offences ’ , that is all offences where the mistake in question relates to a circumstance qualified by mens rea .
8 I hope that I might have undertaken work of this kind without the experience of working for North Tyneside Community Development Project ( CDP ) from 1974 to 1977 , but I did and that experience shaped both the conceptualizing and the carrying out of this project .
9 And I accept that he might have been upset but there are no polemics , so why destroy a great victory ?
10 He said nothing for a few seconds , and I sensed that I might have unsettled this policeman .
11 erm , I understand that they might trade down , but equally there are a number and I can take you to the letters written to the if you like , are you saying you did n't realize that many of these people would have to budget , carefully budget
12 I feel that I might prove a hindrance rather than a help . ’
13 I do not blame the Opposition for not understanding the issues as fully as we might hope , but , given their new-found support and desire for everything European , I thought that they might have developed a better understanding .
14 He is a natural actor and I thought that he might have a part in the play .
15 I felt I could pretend that you were , it was a secret I had , I almost told you once or twice , but I thought that it might spoil things , that …
16 I thought that I might do an article to celebrate it ; describe the problems they face , and their success in tackling them . ’
17 and I mean I have done several since I left the Scottish Office as well which is quite good and I thought that I might put Sandy at his ease by telling a couple of amusing incidents that have happened post the Scottish Office days
18 I thought that you might have already left .
19 I understood that you might like me better if I had experience , if I did n't have opinions about things I knew nothing about . … ’
20 I think that they might seem to be an indulgence to supporters more than partners , even if they offered training/education .
21 ‘ I would not have gone in on my own , ’ he admitted , ‘ but I think that we might go again .
22 Well , well I think I would , I would rath it I mean i it they 've got the responsibility to whistle blow now , you know , professional they 've got , er you know , they 're they these are professionals and they should , they should whistle blow and I mean Maxwell is a perfect example of how nobody , nobody blew the whistle and if you read through the writs , those lots of these people knew what were what was happening an and the whistle should have been blown and I see no reason why the why the pension regulator is going to get any different , different response and also I mean really these people are being in many cases given by th given information by their clients , you know , and I think it 's a very difficult situation to turn round to , to somebody like Mr Maxwell and say well look I 'm terribly sorry Mr Maxwell , we 're going to report you to the pensions regulator , you know and I think that , that er you will just find that that I just do n't feel that the pension regulator in , in that respect , I mean I , I think that I might like to if Peter suggested a pension fraud squad that , that had a open telephone line and the same sort of er powers as the Serious Fraud Office you know , so that if er anybody in a pension fund could , could ring a number and er and people absolutely descended th that , I mean they ge they say somewhere in the report that the pension regulator is going to have er powers and monies to do spot checks .
23 ‘ Then , then I think — I think that I might burst into flames . ’
24 I think that you might call Duff Hart-Davis a travel writer too , at least by osmosis , since his godfather was if I remember rightly Peter Fleming , who might well have had a stern word or two to say about Mrs Izzard 's book .
25 ‘ But I think that you might indulge me by accepting a small one — if she accepts you , that is .
26 But the relationship was extremely good , I think that you might say that for many years in my service , it was almost a case of the law abiding citizens in Ipswich coping with the wrongdoers .
27 I think that she might have gone .
28 Yes , I I think that she might appreciate .
29 I mutter something and start to clear the dishes , but she is not going to be brushed aside , so Darius crouches at the table with his chin on his hands , watching us like we 're Punch and Judy , and I admit that someone might come .
30 I suggested that they might look at smaller numbers of buttons , and see if they could spot how the number of ways of pressing them was growing .
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