Example sentences of "i [verb] the [noun] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Tony and I contemplate the likelihood that on this Scandinavian plane we will have one of those stewardesses you see in the adverts — — all blonde hair and curves .
2 His eyes kept looking away over one of my shoulders or the other , never meeting my gaze , and I got the impression that like his wife he was constantly waiting for something important to happen , expecting someone to arrive at any moment , as though they both could n't believe what had happened and it was all a dream or a ghastly joke and they were just waiting for Clare to come gangling through the front door , kicking off muddy green wellies and loudly demanding tea .
3 I see now how wrong I was , and yet when I told the king that without resorting to such action I would still be in the granite quarries and so unable to do his bidding , he understood and forgave me .
4 I welcome the fact that as a country we do not drive the unemployed into begging or starving .
5 Then I faced the thought that by now he could be dead .
6 I mean , do you think that perhaps is , is more advanced than Plato , because Plato on this incredible myth of his of going on this journey where ordinary people 's view of the form was n't very good so they would come back in an inf perhaps in an inferior form , but I get the feeling that with we have the opportunity of seeing something that is going to improve us anyway , that we 've all got an equal chance of some kind of improvement .
7 Mr Chairman er when we discussed this last time er I expressed the view that in fact er the county council had better things to do I 've not changed my mind erm since but I have been reminded that er when er the Roman Emperors er found ascension in the ranks when Roman Emperors found ascension in the ranks they provided bread and circuses and I have to say that I regard the two notices of motion which were placed in Mr notably fox hunting and this debate on V A T as bread and circuses .
8 I assure the Minister that in six months ' time , when he is in opposition , we will be kinder to him and much more open with information .
9 I remind the Opposition that in those days , when British Airways was still in state ownership , it made a loss of £140 million before tax .
10 I remind the House that since 1979 the Government have approved over £7.5 billion of new investment and have provided for grant aid of about £17 billion to the industry .
11 Bellends : I liked the fact that as both ends are the same you have four choices of entrance .
12 I had the impression that unlike the principled left , Crossman did not ever quite make up his mind whether or not to crawl for office . ’
13 After listening to my Sikh sisters ' accounts of their lives and relationships and the sensitive Izzat of their men I had the feeling that for Sikhs Izzat is not pride or honour — it is male ego , pure and simple .
14 However I take the attitude that in modern times people do n't people are not obliged
15 You know , cos I 'm , I 'm spending money and time on him that really has those in theory I would be spending on my own grand children , however , I take the attitude that in modern times , people do n't , people are not obliged
16 I have the impression that in some quarters no thought is being given to what discoveries might be round the corner and in others no provision is being made to take advantage of them .
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