Example sentences of "i [verb] [pers pn] be [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This was one of the one of the things I asked him was n't it ?
2 I mean they 're not they have n't sort of died out
3 There 's only if the person you 're talking to thinks you do n't care , well I mean they 're not you know they 're not going to think very much of you are they ?
4 Whether they have too much or what they have but , I mean they 're just they just think everybody owes them something , and it 's like Neil , I mean , to me I mean I ca n't see why he ca n't get off his backside and go and work in a supermarket but it 's not the job they want , the same answer I said
5 but I mean they were n't you know and I mean someone we did n't even know at all , so er you know all erm but I mean Lionel sat with the guy that organized it and the bus driver so he did n't feel out of it , you know ,
6 And erm I mean they were quite they would n't they would n't get rid of a baby , but a lot of people thought they would .
7 And this was out of a you know er I mean they were only what Oh could n't be more than about six eight people working in the Well not actually fitters but er you know , they were involved within the shop sort of thing .
8 We 're , we 're , I mean we 're not we 're not that bothered really .
9 I mean it is n't it is n't necessarily the goal !
10 And it is five , do you know what I mean it is like what I used to say to Rose .
11 and so you know it is a sort of , I mean it 's exactly what Iris is saying it 's a meeting with minds in a way because we need to know that , that
12 Erm I mean it 's not what everybody wants but erm I think it is quite er interesting .
13 I mean it 's not what you can tell
14 I mean it 's not they way you expect it either , yeah , paradigm means example of pattern of , reflection of noun , hence parasite , big .
15 Well they 've worked their lives round these events I suppose , I mean it 's not everybody 's
16 Well I I do n't have any er mandates , I mean it 's not my er
17 I mean if they 're just sort of four foot things I mean it 's not you know I think .
18 I mean it 's not anything like as dramatic as that , but it 's , because it fluctuates in different quarters in the area , in different towns .
19 but how you do your original is up to you I mean it 's just what we ask for from reprographics and you know they do single sided
20 Well no I mean no I mean it 's just something they can do .
21 I mean it 's just you know that gone wrong and it does n't
22 I mean it 's just I would n't like it to go any
23 Er me , I mean it 's just it 's just a photo call
24 I mean it 's just it 's just a different life is n't it ?
25 I mean Friday night we do n't do much anyway you know , I mean it 's like everything else if I do n't , if I say to mum , mum we 've got nothing to do , I mean it 's like everything else you ca n't afford to go out and do what , things that you would like to do , but you know like bingo and things , so we al , we get a game of cards going just to stop the rot and the boredom
26 I mean Friday night we do n't do much anyway you know , I mean it 's like everything else if I do n't , if I say to mum , mum we 've got nothing to do , I mean it 's like everything else you ca n't afford to go out and do what , things that you would like to do , but you know like bingo and things , so we al , we get a game of cards going just to stop the rot and the boredom
27 See he get 's a day and a half off , I mean it 's like we , I mean well this is why Dave said , he said do you fancy he said
28 Erm , by having know that the land grows the weeds and no pesticides not disturbed , there 's no shooting , they 're never shot around here , the birds can come in sheltered , you know , they , they 're just like a little nature reserve , protected area , game park you know , nothing shot at just left and er they like it obviously , I mean it 's like anything once it learns that er it 's gon na be left alone it comes again and again .
29 anyway last night , they parked outside George 's so I reckon , I mean it 's only us thinking he 's put a note in the door because he will do this , because when a bloke used to leave his car outside Alan 's gate , others , instead of the station
30 Er well if you 're gon na draw the line I mean I mean it 's bloody we know what who 's in , who 's out .
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