Example sentences of "i [verb] [conj] [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In essence I proposed that rather than having public investment we should substitute private investment without any Government guarantee .
2 I filed that away and asked if it was all right for the girls to stay until the doctors had done their rounds .
3 I suspect that rather than looking north , the people of the north-east will look south and say , ’ Hang on , why are they only paying such a small amount in the midlands or south when people to the north of us , who are experiencing the full generosity of the Labour party 's form of government , are paying much more ? ’
4 I figured that rather than have a tape and a black and white photo , I would have a CD that would be in colour .
5 I think that also that said to me at the point that there is , people need to er , be paid attendance because otherwise you deny people the opportunity to be able to stand for council , there , otherwise you are going to end up with those that are either rich or retired as the only people who can attend a council which , and therefore we must remember that and make sure those who want to have the opportunity to participate in local government are actually compensated for their , for their erm , for their work .
6 You , you apologized for lateness the only thing I wonder on there is er you know it 's ea it 's easy enough to say that you did n't actually sort of clarify the time that you were gon na be there , you just accepted that you were late erm but I mean that 's a you know ju just a point I wonder that rather than apologizing straight of all , straight , straight away if you knew you were late then that was one thing that perhaps you could 've got that in the initial greeting .
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