Example sentences of "i [verb] [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 My conclusion makes it unnecessary for me to proceed further upon the natural justice argument .
2 We had a grand doctor from London once , who told me to go out in the fresh air and try to get well .
3 In fact , he was the one who encouraged me to go down to the Lesbian and Gay Centre in Edinburgh .
4 Something made me glance over to the long french windows leading to the back verandah , and there she was : Poppy , dressed from head to foot in black .
5 I gazed across to the rising ground beyond the farm buildings .
6 I gazed down at the reclining form .
7 Move along ! " bawled the orderly , and as I shuffled away I gazed appealingly at the white-coated figure .
8 I shied away from the very American-sounding compliment .
9 But they take opinion polls all the time , I mean shortly after the recent general election they were taking opinion polls a week later .
10 ‘ They do n't live together — I mean not in the same place , ’ he added conscientiously .
11 I mean out of the three that he saw and prefer , I must admit he did prefer forty four .
12 So in that sense , we are not a volume car producer and er the company historically , I mean back through the seventies and sixties was a not very successful volume producer .
13 I mean back in the early nineteen eighties when we sold our first er system abroad we were quite surprised to find out that the French did n't have a road called Edgeware Road and an organization called B A C S on it .
14 The only other fictional world I lived in with the same intensity was that of Louisa M. Alcott .
15 Once again I met up with the old Frenchman who had invited me into his home .
16 I push off into the bright sunshine , and across the playground .
17 ‘ Well , of course , ’ I agreed quickly without the faintest idea of what I was agreeing to .
18 And the handsomest Celt on earth kneels before me while I sit snugly in the big armchair , the best armchair .
19 I sit down in the grey plastic chair in the featureless room with McDunn and a man from the Welsh squad ; a big blond brindle guy in a tight grey suit ; he has a rugby player 's neck and steely eyes and huge hands that are clasped on the table , lying there like a mace of flesh and bone .
20 Much weakened constitutionally , I passed on to the next stage .
21 As I got closer to the raised platform at the far end of the church , it was as if the sound was pushing me forward .
22 I had my camera with me and I saw there was a ladder up on the top deck and when I got up on the top deck it was quite a giddy height , not to be bit I looked at the mast then I climbed up the mast up three quarters of the way up the mast and er the view from up there looked right down on the causeway .
23 As I suppose was inevitable , the story gradually became that Eric would set fire to them , not just their pet dogs ; and , as was probably also inevitable , a lot of kids started to think that I was Eric , or that I got up to the same tricks .
24 After we 'd agreed the itinerary I got on with the detailed flying planning , using the new French VFR maps and the American TPC ( Tactical Pilotage Charts ) which we bought from Stamfords in London .
25 How I got round for the four days of the tournament , I do n't know .
26 I got off on the wrong foot , and I 'm never going to get it right now .
27 So I got together with the main designer at Ibanez in Japan and we traded ideas , and the new prototype — I 've got one already and I 'm picking another one up in a month — is very unusual , and I think a really exciting development for a jazz guitar .
28 ‘ I 'm happy ’ , ‘ I 'm settled ’ , ‘ Now I know what it feels like ’ , ‘ I got out on the right side ’ .
29 But once I got out of the splitting shop out into the dry , handling leather rather than skins , er it were terrific , absolutely terrific .
30 Father got a bit worked up about this , but it was above my head until I got down to the specific steps to success which appear in the following chapters , so just remember OIL .
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