Example sentences of "i [verb] [adv] [vb infin] [Wh det] they " in BNC.

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1 So I 'd better hear what they say .
2 I du n no what they 're laughing at , but I smile like I understand .
3 I du n no what they do with little 'uns in that ole city , ’ and he disappeared into the warmth of the kitchen .
4 I du n no what they 're doing ?
5 And that 's and a , and a paratha but I du n no what they are , we have n't had those I must admit .
6 I du n no what they 'd say if you did .
7 I do not understand what they are talking about , and I do not have the knowledge to take up their suggestions .
8 When Yellow Bull visited his detained chief , Joseph told him , ‘ I do not know what they mean to do with me , but if they kill me , you must not kill the officer .
9 I do not know what they are cooking , ’ he added as the talks continued .
10 I do n't care what they bloody well think .
11 And I do n't care what they think . "
12 Ricci , that 's bleeding horses — I 've never even seen a horse , dear , except with a policeman underneath or on My Friend Flicka , and I do n't care WHAT they wear at the wretched Olympics . ’
13 I do n't care what they ask me if it helps them find the real killer .
14 And , if the story line is n't very good , I do n't care what they with effects the film does n't work .
15 I do n't see what they could find out from us anyway , ’ said Alice Tyrwhitt , in her distracted manner .
16 Thirty threes , thirty seven forty six , so well thirty threes must be the crystals , thirty fives I do n't see what they 're gon na be .
17 I do n't like what they 're doing .
18 I do n't like what they do , they do n't like what I do .
19 Well , I do n't agree what they did , but they were only killing their own , their own kind , were n't they ?
20 Hmm I do n't know whose they are .
21 Looking at the guards in their bumble-bee uniforms and at their guns , I do n't know what they do to the burglars , but they scare the hell out of me .
22 I do n't know what they thought about Nell Gwyn spitting orange pips all over the place .
23 I do n't know what they 'll do to you either .
24 Peter suggested a course of therapy involving food , and something called John Fisher 's Training Discs — no , I do n't know what they are either , but they worked , and within a short time Noddy 's behaviour had been modified and he lost interest in the motor car .
25 I do n't know what they were doing and I guess that could be called an orgy .
26 I believe she has written other books , you know , though I am sure I do n't know what they are … . ’
27 I do n't know what they would do under the same circumstances .
28 I do n't know what they 'd say precisely .
29 I do n't know what they discussed . ’
30 I do n't know what they are , ’ Defries said , ‘ but I doubt if they 're friendly .
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