Example sentences of "i [verb] [verb] [indef pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And I believe that with the privileges that come to those who benefit most from the capitalist system there are obligations , and so the combination of that latter thought makes me want to do something about the inner cities , plus a revulsion at waste and hopelessness and dereliction and concern which is self-evident in some of these older towns and cities .
2 you see I 've got one in the front room and I had this one put in so then I say if I am in the kitchen , I say , I lift up the receiver , hello , and hear who it is and then I , I say hang on while I get round the chair and then you see I sit on the arm of this chair and talk because er it 's difficult to stand too long
3 It was only when I got to know something of the poverty of India 's villages ( some 500,000 of them ) that I really saw far worse poverty .
4 I mean I 'm , I 'm , I 'm only going on the fact that I I tend to do everything on the cheap so I tend to get if I can find somebody who does photocopying I can do it then we 'll do it .
5 However before examining it I want to say something about the general response of community educators to the problems facing the working-class in N. Ireland .
6 Second I want to say a few words about the efforts that have been made in the last twelve months to increase the G M B's role in the building and civil engineering industries and third I want to say something about the present serious situation in the building industry pay talks .
7 I want to achieve something in the game .
8 I seemed to do anything to the car , mind with the water pump I think they check , they have to er adjust the timing .
9 On each trip I overheard snatches of the bar-room conversations and could hear the louder buzz of continuing upheaval along in the lounge , and I thought that after I 'd satisfied everyone in the dining room I might drift along to the far end with my disarming little tray .
10 I 'm a manufacturer , I like to make things , I like to hold something at the end of day and say that 's something that 's been created .
11 If , however , I omit to do something with the result that it suffers injury to health which results in death , we think that a charge of manslaughter should not be an inevitable consequence , even if the omission is deliberate .
12 Even at the age of about 13 I 'd be guided only by people who I thought knew something about the game , and who were not thing to stitch me up-I was always thinking people were trying to stitch me up for some reason .
13 Chairman I think this is probably the first time in this council chamber in twenty years that er I will probably have spoken on er social services issues er and I speak from an entirely private capacity and any information that er that comes my way is from what I might call informed members of the public erm , people who I come into contact with and from my own experiences as a ward councillor and from as we all do from time to time , my own family experience , my own domestic experiences and I do know something about the problems which are associated with the the care of elderly people er although I do n't have that problem now erm things have taken their course .
14 But I do have something from the membership secretary .
15 I did have one in the drawer though , I do n't know if it 's still there
16 Since I had to do something during the hours I was supposed to be with Sophie , I joined the local Labour Party .
17 I had to put one in the microwave
18 I had heard nothing but the wind , seen nothing but the moving trees but , I thought incredulously , someone had shot me .
19 I looked up , startled to find how I had forgotten everything but the antics of these two monstrous beings .
20 I had learned something about the protest vote .
21 As a result I knew that I had recovered everything within the detecting capabilities of my old machine and did not expect that there would be anything left to be found .
22 I said that I had been in the British Army which prompted another Englishman called Chris to ask if I had known anybody in the Royal Signals in Aldershot or Catterick .
23 Perhaps that 's because being a larger lady I prefer to have something on the large side rather than the small !
24 They have n't got one and I 'll s er say this as I 've said everything on the wireless or anything , whatever I 've said I 'll say to their face , and I can slot the num perhaps they ca n't prove everything but you know it 's there .
25 If I 've missed anyone off the list , could you please let them know .
26 I mean I they 've got a , a stall on the market , I 've seen something on the market on that stall , but they 've not got it in their size and they 'll say to you , ooh , go over to the shop , you know , and you go over
27 I 've seen plenty in the last few months . ’
28 They just do nt seem to be sharp enough or is it that midfield are n't providing good service — I ca n't really say as I 've seen none of the games , just read reports .
29 I 've met lots at the Blackburn Literary Club .
30 Up in Sophie and Teodor 's suite , she said faintly , ‘ I do n't know — I 've drunk none of the water .
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