Example sentences of "it [vb -s] to [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The usefulness of any ideal type should be gauged from the contribution it makes to simplifying complex realities , allowing social scientists to derive more precise and testable hypotheses , which can then be checked empirically .
2 But when it comes to removing old steel pipe from a galvanised hot water tank , the largest pair of Stillsons you can get your hands on may be needed .
3 KEEP it under your hat is the golden rule for top chefs when it comes to sharing culinary secrets .
4 When it comes to abusing parliamentary procedure , I fail to see what point of order the hon. Gentleman was seeking to make .
5 Phillips 's omission of a price expectations term from his original study may have been warranted in practice owing to the low rates of inflation which were experienced from the Great War onwards ; but when it comes to analyzing inflationary processes in general it is invalid .
6 She 's very pro-EC when it comes to helping big business , but she suddenly turns " patriotic " when the European Community tries to help ordinary people .
7 CONSIDERING the vast worldwide market that exists for sexual material of all kinds , it is remarkable just how bad mainstream cinema has been when it comes to portraying sexual passion .
8 It would seem therefore that low osmolality is the dominant factor rather than glucose transport when it comes to promoting net water absorption and this contention is supported by the higher water absorption from the WHO-ORS compared to UK-ORS in secreting intestine , despite their similar glucose absorption .
9 It 's a star when it comes to automating frequent tasks and it 's very good at queries and reports , especially in terms of the tools it provides for non-technical users .
10 It is , rather , the example of what a robust and subtle mind can do when it comes to shifting British planning policy around the table a bit .
11 THE MEDITERRANEAN still wins hands down when it comes to providing cheap family holidays abroad offering plenty of sunshine , sea and sand .
12 but , when it comes to taking other drugs , for a thrill , yes you could do without them , and one of the ways you can do that is by taking time out for yourself , whether you 're a single parent or if you 're a you know , if you 're a family , the important thing is finding time for yourself and not for your family or your dependants .
13 Relatively limited access to information , and weak organisation , mean that rural people are at a disadvantage when it comes to taking informed decisions about matters of concern to their own future .
14 He 's top of the A&R man 's list when it comes to nursing young guitar bands through their first , tentative studio steps .
15 Most people 's long-term memory is very limited when it comes to remembering specific points or ideas .
16 The experience of the seven-year-olds outside the communicative system is still limited , and their limitations are particularly exposed when it comes to repairing inadequate instructions .
17 I guess this shows the Segas and Nintendos that they are n't alone when it comes to producing fast arcade platform games .
18 Barry Wise , technical development manager in the office systems group at Stoy Hayward , considers that Lotus 1-2-3 has the edge when it comes to producing professional-looking documentation .
19 When it comes to implementing key settlement policies , local authorities have considerable resources at their disposal .
20 It is tempting to think of dietary fibre as the tough stuff which holds the plant together , and this is true to a degree , but it can be misleading when it comes to locating high-fibre plants by guesswork .
21 BOC ( industrial gases , health care , vacum and distribution ) has longbeen in the vanguard when it comes to introducing new accounting policies .
22 But when it comes to defending Smashing Pumpkins ' tendency to write eight-minute epics he makes an r'n'r analogy : ‘ You can either f— for four minutes or sometimes you f— for an hour . ’
23 The charred remains of long-forgotten feasts tell us something of our forebears ' habits , but when it comes to tracing human evolution there 's nothing to beat comparison of genetic polymorphisms between modern populations .
24 When it comes to making practical use of this new technology , one of the important aspects of acoustic reflectivity is that it does not always paint the same picture as does light .
25 Our specialists can advise you on the type of cover you need — and our experience and understanding of business gives us a big advantage when it comes to identifying key persons and assessing the size and type of cover necessary .
26 ‘ while peer review may be relatively successful in deciding among proposed new areas of research , it is far less satisfactory when it comes to identifying declining areas and groups . ’
27 That can be critical when it comes to winning overseas business .
28 There are really two options when it comes to preventing unwanted feelings and the following diagram showing the chronological sequence of events helps to pinpoint them :
29 The vocational aspects of the course are clearly the most important consideration when it comes to recruiting new students .
30 You 'll find your Steamatic is also extremely efficient when it comes to cleaning fiddly places like the areas such as skirting boards , picture rails and behind radiators .
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