Example sentences of "it [vb -s] [prep] the [noun sg] it " in BNC.

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1 Yes , you 'll go to the bottom do n't you , alright , so if it goes to the bottom it 's sinking OK ?
2 That is , it lives from the time it 's conceived and created , for some fifty or sixty years , it varies , and then the work dies .
3 Yes , it starts at , it says on the front it starts at seven , and then at the back it says the actual quiz starts at seven thirty .
4 But somewhere it says about the amount it cost , but I mean if must be like that .
5 ‘ Once it gets into the community it tends to spread around , ’ said Dr Pugh .
6 It was fun , and I think I actually played some great shit , and if it gets on the radio it 's going to be good for all jazz guys , because there are some pretty hip notes in there … ! ’
7 The more History attempts to transcend its own rootedness in historicity , and the greater the efforts it makes to attain , beyond the historical relativity of its origin and its choices , the sphere of universality , the more clearly it bears the marks of its historical birth , and the more evidently there appears through it the history of which it is itself a part … inversely , the more it accepts its relativity , and the more deeply it sinks into the movement it shares with what it is recounting , then the more it tends to the slenderness of the narrative , and all the positive content it obtained for itself through the human sciences is dissipated .
8 However , since it is more than a mere sign , it partakes of the reality it signifies and is a means of grace through which the atoning work of Christ is made effective in the life of the Christian .
9 Analogically the sacrament can certainly be understood as ‘ sacrifice ’ in the sense that if it partakes of the reality it represents , the ‘ once-for-all ’ sacrifice of Calvary is applied to us as we celebrate the victory as well as the mystery of the cross .
10 The meeting , to be followed by talks between their heads of government tomorrow , could head off a Russian threat to cut off natural gas supplies to Ukraine unless it pays for the gas it received in January .
11 As it descends towards the mantle it melts ; thousands of deep-focus earthquakes are triggered as gobbets of molten rock screech and burst against each other ; the edge of the upper plate , meanwhile , contorts and rises tortured into the air , producing a range of soaring peaks .
12 If it pecks at one it receives a grain of food ; if it pecks at the other it does not .
13 Er , if staying , I 'm trying to make arrangements for to stay locally and most likely will be leaving round about Easter , so when it comes to the departure it will be myself .
14 It might be the authorities who give you permission but when it comes to the bit it 's the ordinary policeman who 's getting shot .
15 As far as the police are concerned it 's all one case and the same officer remains in charge , but when it comes to the judiciary it 's a completely unrelated development and a new magistrate has been appointed . ’
16 However , if it presses on the urethra it will result in abnormal urinary symptoms , which untreated can result in bladder distention , overflow incontinence and possible kidney failure .
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