Example sentences of "it [vb -s] [verb] [prep] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I think that it would be best to listen to what it has to say before reaching a decision .
2 It has gone in repaying the overseas debt that we inherited from the last Labour Government .
3 But Mr Bush told the U N Security Council in New York that Iraq must put the right wrong it has done in seizing a nation to which it had no right .
4 On telecommunications , Banegas took the opportunity to criticise the government for the little interest it has shown in putting an end to the import of unauthorised pirate telephones , 3m of which are now in Spain .
5 It has helped in identifying the concerns of the business , its goals and its information requirements .
6 In Unix , it has succeeded in creating the impression that it has far more of the management , security and support capabilities in place than any of its competitors , and while this may not be entirely valid , time and again in the computer industry , winning the perception is nine tenths of the battle : in the 1970s , it was universally acknowledged among the cognoscenti that Burroughs Corp had by far the best mainframe architecture and operating software , but that did nothing to prevent the vast majority of its users migrating to IBM over time .
7 The Library Association is increasing efforts in parliamentary lobbying but the question of how far it wants to go in challenging the use of legislation for censorship is unclear .
8 This is a very popular instruction , since it allows counting without disturbing an accumulator ; it is commonly made more useful by testing whether the count has reached zero after incrementing , and this is discussed again in the next section .
9 It seems to err in moving the death of Archbishop Lyfing to 1019 ( C and E together speak strongly for 1020 ) , but D adds that his other name was Ælfstan and that he was very firm in counsel whether in matters of church or state .
10 But all managers have to negotiate at some time so it pays to learn about handling the process well .
11 It serves to hide the professional , that is elite , structure through which it continues to operate by assuming the mantle of the popular for itself .
12 Stepping towards the opponent 's closed side provides fewer targets , though it does succeed in preventing an immediate , effective counter .
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