Example sentences of "it [was/were] up [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You know both sides were very happy you know it was up with the company or down with the company you know , and I think certainly the younger lads sort of saw it as an infringement upon their future , you know we 've all got mortgages and the o older men who 'd been working since the quarry started you know were gon na see a drop in their standard of living , so I think you know people were getting a bit upset you know that a n a new fella h a new face had come in , and all of a sudden you know changes were being made that were gon na hurt everybody financially .
2 out for me and erm , when he went in on Monday , erm it was the other one the lad that actually owns it , so I was in there for about bloody half an hour and we came home with some samples and one that I quite liked it was up on the wall and he said that is my best selling Axminster that I had , and it was like , it was maybe it was a bit too busy , it was , it was greyey and it was all different other colours in it , but it was a lot of flowers on it , it was n't a traditional Axminster you see Mike loves these traditional Axminsters and he does n't really , he wo n't really entertain anything else , erm , anyway I brought that sample home and what else ?
3 ‘ Vaughan himself , a gentleman of highest principles , warned me of his intentions , saying it was up to the king to decide what , if any , action should be taken .
4 In 1989 the Supreme Court had assisted employers to defend themselves by ruling that it was up to the worker to prove that such practices did not constitute a " business necessity " .
5 The inquiry is limited to events after 1986 , but Mr Patten appeared to be saying that it was up to the head of the inquiry , under the oversight of the Police Complaints Authority , to decide whether to extend it .
6 Moreover the whole point of the form of the public corporation favoured by moderate opinion in all parties ( and represented in the Labour Party by the Morrisonian conception ) was that it was up to the management ( and not the politicians or civil servants ) to develop the details of policy and organisation within only very broad guidelines .
7 Toni thought it was up to the individual : ‘ Madonna and Debbie Harry fulfil your iconic dreams , a possible ideal .
8 Laws used to specify offences such as loitering with intent or malicious wounding , so that it was up to the prosecutor to prove the evil character of an act that might be more or less culpable .
9 Whilst paying lip service to the concepts , the CEGB remained unconvinced that it should bother seriously with either conservation or the renewable sources of energy , especially if it meant abandoning Hinkley C. It was up to the government to decide whether to provide incentives for energy efficiency , whilst the renewables must wait until pilot projects showed their worth .
10 whilst , if a privilege existed , it was up to the House to decide whether there had been a breach , the existence of the privilege in the first place was for the common law to decide and it was for the courts , and not the House , to declare the common law .
11 As late as 1965 , in Howard , Lord Parker L.C.J. appeared to consider that in cases of rape other than where a child was involved , it was up to the prosecution to prove that the woman had physically resisted .
12 Mr. Croucher replied that under the present law it was up to the applicant to notify other people of their intention in writing .
13 Mrs. Bethell said it was up to the youth committee to decide what they wanted .
14 It was up in the morning and back to school .
15 Cos it was up in the side , yeah .
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