Example sentences of "it [was/were] on [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If it were on the very fringe of his area he might not be back until lunch-time .
2 At it was on a nice day it was all right .
3 It was on a similar mission seven months earlier that she had first met Darren .
4 He first visited Sicily while he was still an undergraduate , and it was on a second visit to the island in 1808–9 that he wrote the first of his many privately published books , a translation of Cicero 's The Last Two Pleadings … against Caius Verres ( 1812 ) .
5 On paper , it seemed a very bankable prospect , based as it was on a successful stage musical by Alan J. Lerner and Burton Lane .
6 It was on a lower level than the rest of the works and was lit by windows which ran the length of the wall facing the doorway .
7 It was on a temporary basis .
8 Last year , at the annual meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund , it was generally agreed that the US deficit was less of a threat because it was on a downward path .
9 Well a tumbler is where they , the buckets used to go over the top and empty into a chute into the hopper and er went cos it was on a continual chain you see cos you had a bucket two links , a bucket two links , a bucket two links , all the way round and that 's how you used to dredge all the time round and round and round and that 's how it went over to the top tumbler cos you had a bottom tumbler on this layer and a top tumbler , otherwise you could n't dredge otherwise and that top tumbler , I am certain it had five , five sides to it because at one , at one time you 'd tip a bucket on one then you 'd get two lengths so it kept the tumbler more or less equal all the way round the wear and tear of it .
10 It was on a moonless night , fortunately , that the little town held its firework display , the culmination of its week-long yearly carnival .
11 When I first saw Moila it was on a beautiful day in the last week of June .
12 It was on a bright spring morning , while Morag was eating her breakfast , that Granny said , ‘ Auch , this house needs a good clean — out after the winter .
13 Very appropriate remark , Michael , the charter is up for review at any event , very shortly , because it was on a six-month trial as it were .
14 Even though I know Tina 's is C two one one Y C L if it was on a different car I 'd probably look at it and think
15 By 1984 , Fibres had moved through the period of mere survival to realize that it was on a winning track and could expand , guided by some astute marketing of some of the exciting new products then coming through .
16 I thought it was on the right hand side as you went into village .
17 It achieved tabloid status in April 1985 , when it was on the front page of the Daily Mirror 's conservation shock issue ; and , as a symbol of wildlife under threat , it is a sure money-maker for such causes as the World Wildlife Fund .
18 It was on the front page of the New York Times — surely you must recall , Jean-Paul ? ’
19 He , that is a photo opportunity that Gerry Addams took and it was on the front page of everybody 's newspaper .
20 It was on the far side of the yard , opposite the kitchen door .
21 This was low in 1801 and 1802 but high over the next five years ; it was on the low side in 1812 and 1813 , recovered in 1814 , but was falling again as the wars ended .
22 In the 1960s , the Clydesdale almost disappeared without trace , so much so that it was on the Rare Breeds Survival Trust 's list of protected animals .
23 The local slave trading and mercantile community was loud in its support for Harris ' intervention and happy to see , at this early stage of antislavery mobilisation , its interests defended quite as much in general scriptural terms as it was on the broad basis of national interest and community prosperity .
24 Because it was on the twentieth floor , the flat had an amazing daytime view of the great and glittering river ; by night , it was the great towers of the financial district to the west that glittered .
25 It was on the teetotal platform in September 1833 that ‘ Dicky ’ , as temperance reformers affectionately called him , won his modest place in British history .
26 He might have an interesting tale to tell but it could probably be told in the space of thirty minutes and on later meetings hauled out and paraded again exactly as it was on the first occasion .
27 It was on the first floor of a late Victorian house in a road which was not too far from Craven Cottage .
28 It was on the first floor of what had once been a small eighteenth-century town-house .
29 It was on the first night that Lesley-Jane told you she was pregnant . ’
30 It was on the first tape .
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