Example sentences of "it [was/were] [vb pp] on a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They had realised , as William Pitt had done , that minimum wage legislation , even if it were based on a family with three children , was not enough to meet the need of all families .
2 It was run on a shoestring at the best of times and Kelly was merely adding to his problems .
3 It was secured on a telephone bid for £120,000 ( $181,200 ) , apparently to the Swiss-based collector Sam Josefowitz .
4 It was canvassed on a number of occasions in the nineteenth century , but its most influential advocate was Alfred Wegener who intially presented his ideas in 1912 .
5 It was spraygunned on a wall in Glasgow .
6 The building was 84 metres high , though because it was situated on a hill , with five storeys below ground , it looks shorter than it is .
7 It was situated on a hill where the winds raced over the open ground and the sea below laved the shore with small , agitated waves .
8 No , no just went in ordinary civilian wear , girls sometimes had some overalls because they were handling the ticket boxes , they were metal , they got wet , they rusted up and that was a filthy job for there was really , in those days it was a two box system , a man drew his box which contained a certain amount of tickets of different variable classes and erm , it was listed on a waybill , he was given a half an hour to check his box and join his bus at town centre .
9 It was born on a Sunday afternoon and Carrie and Albert and Nick saw it happen .
10 It was based on a nostalgia for the epoch of " la grande nation " , impossible to recreate under the conditions of the twentieth century .
11 It was based on a model of language derived from Latin rather than English .
12 It was based on a handful of samples and even they showed widely fluctuating results . ’
13 Starring Anthony Hopkins , it was based on a book by an American journalist who 'd been one of the first people into the bunker after the allied victory .
14 It was based on a fusion of the commitment to full employment and a desire to promote consumer choice .
15 And it was based on a photograph of his brother 's pet , taken in Liverpool in the 1880s .
16 take you back in this first talk about the art of film erm to the very early days , and these are difficult I think for us to imagine because we 're so used today to sound films , of all the effects in , in the theatres , we 're used to the great stars , we 're used to the big subjects , and yet the film began in the smallest possible way , it began really as a sideshow , it began as a hobby for a group of people , sometimes they would be French , sometimes they would be British , sometimes American , the early pioneers , whose main interest was to produce a camera , which would look like a still camera and yet somehow would manage to produce a picture which moved when it was projected on a screen .
17 Like Venice , it was built on a group of islands surrounded by marshes near the mouth of the river Po .
18 It was built on a site prone to fog to fox the German bombers , and sends supplies all over the world .
19 ANEW portrait of Jesse Jackson , showing him as a blond , blue-eyed white man , attracted more than aesthetic interest when it was displayed on a Washington street corner last Wednesday .
20 It was jammed on a stone .
21 It was marked on a map dated 1648 and according to local reports was a working mill until 1900 .
22 In fact it was Worthington , Quakers ' leading scorer in their last relegation season three years ago , who livened the game up after 25 minutes , but once again it was laid on a plate by the Darlington defence .
23 Similarly , concentric lines radiating from the central pip on the base of a Roman silver dish reveal that it was finished on a lathe ( fig. 5.9 ) , and the impressions left by the craftsman 's hammer can be seen on the sides of a brass Islamic jug .
24 The two are entirely compatible if it is remembered that one of the popular theories of the nature of the state itself has always been that it was founded on a contract between the individual members of a society .
25 Built of fine red brick , it was modelled on a country house , set in its own grounds and boasting an ornamental fountain in the forecourt .
26 It was held on a repayment claim by the taxpayer on behalf of the children that , as contended by the Crown , there was an arrangement of assets constituting a settlement within what is now TA 1988 , s670 and TA 1988 , s663 that the transaction was not a bona fide commercial transaction .
27 However it just so happens the last time an election was n't on a Thursday was in er I think it was nineteen thirty one when it was held on a Tuesday .
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