Example sentences of "it [was/were] [adv] [verb] that he " in BNC.

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1 It was soon discovered that he was in fact spying for the French .
2 But it was soon settled that he would stay at home only till Ruari was better .
3 It was also arranged that he would be given accurate intelligence by radio on a regular basis .
4 It was also stated that he would have to remain in hospital for around a month , and would thus be unable to attend the special session of the Diet which was scheduled to end on Dec. 8 .
5 It was also observed that he was fairly cool with the little Hoflin girl , who seemed to be mooning miserably about the theatre with a pale face , even when she was n't needed .
6 It was also noticed that he ceased to whistle unconsciously as he walked up the aisle from the vestry .
7 It was also suggested that he was using Interior Ministry files to discredit political opponents , and thereby promote the Czechoslovakian People 's Party to which he belonged , in the lead-up to the June elections .
8 It was also objected that he wielded excessive personal power over the nation 's financial assets , for he continually asserted the Bank 's independence from the Treasury in a manner both arbitrary and overbearing , ignoring the protests of Reginald McKenna [ q.v. ] , chancellor of the Exchequer .
9 It was also alleged that he amassed wealth by exploiting his high credit with the Palmyra court , accepting douceurs from citizens wanting favours .
10 It was also reported that he had the audacity to join the Special Constables , but all pretence was blown asunder when he was noticed pawning stolen articles by a fellow officer .
11 It was also known that he was a hobo in his final years , and that he had always had a keen eye for women .
12 However , the runner-up may have been an unlucky loser as it was later discovered that he had raced with a injured heel .
13 It was later written that he was ‘ … right glad to be translated from Bristol to Exeter for , while the former See was poor , the latter was better endowed and he was not withheld by any scruples from begging for promotion ’ .
14 Lieutenant Smith failed to return from one recce , and it was later learnt that he and his companion , Lance-Corporal C. Woodhouse , had capsized in heavy surf , losing their paddles .
15 It was again noted that he did not deny the wider allegation that other members of the Reagan election campaign had been involved in such a deal .
16 It was widely said that he had long resented the Shah 's great oil wealth and the independence that it gave him .
17 Whether they had taken such action with the explicit authorisation of President Gorbachev remained unclear , although it was widely agreed that he had failed to respond adequately to the loss of life that had occurred .
18 It was widely rumoured that he was adopted by the Ceauşescus in 1946 .
19 A year ago when he resigned as chairman , it was widely held that he had been pushed and that Peter Moores was about to mount another bid for the post himself .
20 Interior Minister Carlos Hurtado , had resigned on April 2 citing personal health problems , although it was widely known that he was hostile to Chamorro 's and Lacayo 's policy of co-operating with the Sandinistas .
21 At the time it was genuinely believed that he was a significant factor in the unsatisfactory World Cup performance .
22 Henry was an exacting master , possessed of so much energy that it was popularly rumoured that he could fly , so swiftly did he travel from place to place .
23 This time the wily Belgian was not on board and it was never proved that he was behind this particular incident .
24 Kallibunker 's coat was short , sparse and curly , and it was quickly realized that he might be the forerunner of an entirely new breed of pedigree cat .
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