Example sentences of "it [was/were] [prep] be [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 It was said to have two sets of strings only , at 8' pitch , and , on the evidence of its appearance , it was to be dated to the first quarter of the 18th century .
2 By and large , the more important a command ( importance being judged by the size of territorial authority , or , more appropriately in time of peace , by the numbers of men involved ) the more likely it was to be given to a man who had achieved it as a result of attendance at court .
3 In 1988 , customers , so cheesed off with the Line 's service , staged the famous so-called ‘ battle of Finchley Central , ’ occupying a train after an all-too-common announcement that it was to be diverted to Mill Hill East instead of ‘ speeding ’ to its original destination of High Barnet .
4 Arthur told the lordly one that it was to be sent to Mr and Mrs Stokes , but Fred knew whom it was tacitly meant for , because he had read in newspaper gossip columns about dukes laying down pipes of port when heirs were born .
5 Tribute was paid to the late 's contribution and it was to be brought to the notice of Divisions that nominations were sought .
6 It was to be linked to a line from Croydon to Wallington , Carshalton and Sutton .
7 It was to be delivered to the king by March 1298 ; however , once the Scottish threat had abated , the archbishop refused in June 1298 to hand over the balance of the grant .
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