Example sentences of "it [was/were] [verb] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 However , some sole practitioners indicated that they might accept the principle of prior approval if it were extended to all firms or at least all new firms in the process of setting up .
2 It was expanding in all directions .
3 Based in the occupied territories , it was created by former members of the Palestine Communist Party ( which had changed its name in late 1991 to the Palestine People 's Party ) .
4 In the approved sequence , Constantinople ( AD381 ) comes next , even though it was attended by fewer bishops ( about 150 ) than the non-approved Rimini of 359 ( about 400 ) .
5 It was concluded from these studies that elimination diets induce a prolonged remission similar to that achieved by other methods of treatment .
6 During the discussions of the draft Convention it was argued by some delegates that the Central Authority should have a double task , acting as a transmitting or forwarding agency as well as receiving requests from abroad , but their opinion did not prevail .
7 It was to last for some months yet .
8 Although this rank was that of a clerk , in the Constantian period it was applied to those officials who were responsible for the minutes of the imperial consistory and some of them rose to the highest ranks .
9 Whether it was approved or not — and usually it was not — it was understood on all sides that democracy meant , to a lesser or greater degree , popular power , popular sovereignty , popular participation .
10 It was subdivided into several provinces ruled by local khans , who tried to emulate the art , culture and pageantry of the Persian court .
11 It was recognised in these cases that an indeterminate sentence could properly be passed in a case where dangerousness arose from a non-treatable personality disorder .
12 Firstly , it was accepted by all Scots that the coronation of their king was valid only if carried out upon the Stone of Destiny , and in spite of the Christian ceremony accompanying it the right to place the crown on the new monarch 's head belonged irrevocably to the Earl of Fife , premier layman of the realm .
13 The practical effect of this is illustrated by the case of Strange ( SW ) Ltd v Mann [ 1965 ] 1 WLR 629 where at the time of entering the contract the business was exclusively a credit-betting business and it was accepted by all parties that the validity of the covenant fell to be tested without regard to the fact that subsequently betting shops became legal and that a betting shop had been set up by the plaintiff .
14 Mr Hamilton said that it was accepted by both sides in the case that in law a foetus did not become a person until birth .
15 ( It was accepted by both sides in the case that legal personality started at birth and not before ) .
16 It was adopted by those abolitionists who in a growing mood of frustration had also developed the agency system .
17 During those meetings it was emphasised by all participants that a great deal of work would need to be done in the translation of medical textbooks , and that this would take considerable time .
18 However , it was withdrawn after several speakers said such a call would have little impact on Parliament .
19 However , it was withdrawn after several speakers said that such a call would have little impact on Parliament and might have an adverse affect on the reputation of the federation .
20 It was asked on these words whether the lands should be regarded as left by trust .
21 Like MI6 , for many years GCHQ did not officially exist despite the fact that it was listed in several yearbooks .
22 Though it was too early to say how BP would respond to the opportunities created by the Budget , he said it was looking at several projects for extra investment in North Sea fields already in production .
23 Elementary school it was called in those days .
24 In the discussions of the mid-1970s it was hoped in some institutions that this step might be the forerunner of others involving greater delegation of powers .
25 It must be confessed that the passage quoted from the letter in the report does not explain the situation with great lucidity , but this defect must have been cured elsewhere in the letter , since Nield , J , observes : ‘ It was realised by all parties ( and indeed later in the letter plainly stated ) that only £600 a year would be payable during the currency of the counter-inflationary measures . ’
26 But it was said by many doubters that British Airways could never be privatised .
27 Where ancillaries can not be afforded , their skills can often be found less conveniently amongst teaching staffs themselves , or else acquired ; and it was noted by many schools visited during the Resource Centre Project that a surprising potential sometimes existed in voluntary form in the community .
28 It was felt by many politicians and officials that local government , in its recent form , was slow and inept so that the departments dealing with local authorities either developed a mass of controls to enable them to watch over local authorities or actually withdrew services from the local authorities .
29 It was felt by some members , the secretary told me , that as I now had a residence in Edinburgh , I ought to become a fully paid-up member .
30 It was felt by some students that areas of the ‘ Enterprise ’ component may have been downplayed somewhat if there was no visible link between the ‘ content ’ and assessment ; however , more students expressed the view that they would scrutinise the Enterprise component of future optional and elective modules before selection .
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