Example sentences of "it [is] a [adj] [noun] who " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And it 's a stupid woman who 'd be annoyed by a compliment .
2 It 's a rare character who commits murder in order to lose half a million pounds .
3 It 's a rare individual who can make a living from writing books ; the Jeffrey Archers of this world are few .
4 It 's a rare person who can ignore a letter sent personally to him over the signature of Clint Eastwood or Charlton Heston , saying ‘ I need your help ’ .
5 And er , later of course , he became the American Ambassador of Vienna , so Freud met him , but so , so , Bullett had a personal stake in this , but I must admit , er my own view was , was rather to admire Bullett for his stand , because it 's a rare politician who stands up and says look , you know , we 've been there , having made promises , we 've broken all of them , and we ought to resign , or you ought to resign .
6 Well it 's a bloody ego who needs the stage .
7 Yesterday a spokesman said : ‘ It 's a complete mystery who this man is and where he is from .
8 So it is not as though it 's a young player who 's going out of the game and you 're telling them I 'm sorry your not going to make it with Warwickshire .
9 Maybe it 's a big girl who 's doing it .
10 Now he said , ‘ It 's a wise man who recognises his own sins , ’ and smiled .
11 It may be a poor substitute for human companionship , but the fact that it is a living creature who needs her and responds to her affectionate care brings a great deal of pleasure and interest into her life .
12 It is a poor leader who does not know his opposite numbers , and while I do not go to the extent of General Montgomery in the desert with a picture of my primary competitors hanging on the wall of my office , I know them all , and have a healthy respect for them .
13 And it is a rare judge who will explicitly base a decision on the opinion of ‘ intelligent men of commerce ’ .
14 It is a rare Scotsman who does not have a tale or two about a favourite pet or a loved relative who has been felled by their fangs .
15 The towering , effortless blow that cleared the St Lawrence lime certainly pleased the Canterbury archivists , and it is a foolish man who bets against him delighting the rest of the world for many years to come .
16 Another ambition has been financial reward , and it is a lucky man who escapes a conversation with Jackie without being reminded of his various positions , his bankers , his lawyers , his accountants and his courtiers .
17 It is a wise man who learns from other men 's mistakes , but a wiser man who learns from his own .
18 With so many unanswered questions , it is an unwise man who comes to a conclusion .
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