Example sentences of "it [is] [adv] [adj] think [that] " in BNC.

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1 It 's rather nice to think that it happened in that way , that it was done overnight .
2 Quite frankly My Lords , if there are forty-one constabularies throughout the c country e excluding the Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police , any for instance fifty people were a applied and they may well apply because plenty of people have already done so , you would be talking about a list of some two thousand people it 's quite impossible to think that my Honourable Friend would know all these two thousand people therefore carefully select party hats who might themselves not actually have applied anyhow .
3 ‘ I 'm so glad we 've had this little talk ; and it 's so nice to think that she and Annabel are friends .
4 It 's so peculiar to think that you plus wife equals a new human being .
5 That 's why it 's so tempting to think that it 's always women erm because power is in the hands of men on the whole , especially in this university .
6 As a result of these liabilities , it is not practical to think that AEA as a whole could be privatised .
7 It is very sad to think that after Anna tragically committed suicide under a train , only a few people are grieved and the rest of society regard it ‘ as such a woman deserved to end .
8 It is often tempting to think that some critic you have read can summarise your viewpoint better than you yourself can , and so to end your essay with a quotation from someone else .
9 Commented RAC Rescue Services head of marketing , Andy Brown : ‘ It is quite amazing to think that many of the longest surviving members have belonged to the RAC for more than two-thirds of its 95-year history .
10 It is quite unrealistic to think that you can spend every waking moment working , but it is equally unrealistic to have hobbies and interests which fill every evening and the weekend and for you to expect to pass the course .
11 It is really wonderful to think that someone , a young person like yourself — ’
12 It is entirely possible to think that if ‘ literary ’ and ‘ aesthetic ’ are words that go naturally with ‘ American ’ but not with ‘ English ’ , so much the worse for the English .
13 But it is still wrong to think that here research and higher education are one and the same thing .
14 It is so easy to think that we can keep our bodies fit and healthy simply by taking care of their physical needs .
15 In contrast , it is extraordinarily encouraging to think that after the revolution , they will be guaranteed a basic diet , access to medical services , education and recreation and that they will be living in a creative and open society .
16 This view is essentially anthropomorphic ; we are mammals after all and it is perhaps comforting to think that our own distant relatives so directly proved their supremacy over slow-witted reptiles that had nothing to fight with but their bulk .
17 In view of the appearance of certain heads in the Demoiselles , however , it is perhaps permissible to think that his recollections are not completely accurate .
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