Example sentences of "it [is] [adv] [prep] [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 It 's not worth falling out about . ’
2 Yes this colourful expedition requires rather more than the obligatory three points of contact , but it 's well worth seeking out , despite the alarm bells which may well have been triggered by now in the more squeamish reader .
3 It 's perhaps worth pointing out that for some inexplicable reason , BMG has decided not to provide individual tracks for each of the movements which is something of a disadvantage in a work like the Webern .
4 When we stroll past the front of the van I peep up to check the reaction , and I guess that the two cops hunched inside see these two anxious faces glancing nervously , and they decide it is n't worth climbing out the van for , and I reckon that if I was them I too would lock the doors and stay inside .
5 Compass errors are an awful nuisance and it is well worth finding out a little about them .
6 It is also worth pointing out that however efficient the UV system installed , it will not produce clear water unless used in conjunction with a good filter unit .
7 It is also worth pointing out that the ELR can field one of the most representative ranges of ex-Western motive power , as the steam fleet can be supplemented by ex-BR ( WR ) diesel-hydraulics ,
8 Without wanting to make things complicated for the sake of it , it is also worth pointing out that a natural monopoly market may be sustainable as , say , a duopoly , in conditions of less than free entry .
9 It is also worth pointing out that EEG recording is technically difficult and fraught with potential artefacts due to muscle movement ( Grabow and Elliott , 1974 ) , eye movement ( Anderson , 1977 ) and possible left-right differences in skull or brain mass underlying the electrodes ( Rubens , 1977 ) .
10 It is also worth working out how to create the best conversational chemistry .
11 It is also worth working out a scale of charges which can be used if an author or editor asks to buy equipment which has been used in tests for a book or for a comparative feature .
12 I have seen the report and am considering its implications carefully , but it is just worth pointing out that in 11 of the past 12 Budgets we have taken steps to encourage employee share ownership to the extent that by the end of March last year about 2.25 million employees had benefited under all employee share schemes and had received options or shares with an initial value of £6.5 billion .
13 So , while it is always worth seeking out the names of journalists who have a special interest in your subject , and if appropriate sending the releases to them at home as well as to their office , always be sure to send your releases to the newsdesk and perhaps to one or two others on the paper too if it is appropriate .
14 Lest anyone should think that the matter is totally unproblematical , it is perhaps worth pointing out that the same dictionary gives no separate recognition to the parallel occurrences of shut .
15 It is perhaps worth pointing out that in the past three years we have spent some £350 million on the poorer pensioners .
16 Before moving on to the next section , it is perhaps worth pointing out that the analysis just presented also allows us to handle certain uses related to the infinitive of reaction where the nexus between the infinitive and the main clause is much looser than in the canonical cases discussed above in ( 11 ) — ( 16 ) : ( 28 ) I was stunned , to see him lose .
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