Example sentences of "it [is] [pron] i [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Hello , , ah , I bet it 's something I 've just written down , is n't it ?
2 It 's something I 've always had an affection for .
3 It 's something I 've always had doubts about .
4 It 's something I 've always wanted to do ’ said Glen who is better known as an up and coming tenor in the operetta and classical music fields .
5 If I 'm right , it 's something I 've never seen before .
6 It 's something I 've never actually asked you about . ’
7 It 's something I 've never had .
8 It 's it 's something I 've obviously thought a lot about .
9 Erm and it 's something I had n't quite considered before , that the greenbelt boundary and the Greater York area boundary is roughly .
10 It 's something I feel very deeply and sincerely about .
11 It 's something I picked up in the Trow . ’
12 ‘ Sometimes I know he wants me to do something and usually it 's something I do n't particularly want to do .
13 It 's something I do n't remember . ’
14 I sha n't take it if it 's something I do n't like you know even if they give it free .
15 It 's something I have only recently learned to do , and she seemed to appreciate it .
16 if you 're gon na do that , I 'll tell ya if you switch it off and switch it back on again if , if it 's the problem I think it is it 'll cure it , if it 's which I do n't think it is , it 's the other one that 's incurable
17 ‘ Besides , it 's what I came here for . ’
18 But , well it 's what I 've just said !
19 Now erm how have we got er I 've next thing on the handout is something I 've stuck on about the way in which erm er well it 's what I 've just covered about the the way in which some sorts of therapies for people who 've been abused as children tend to embody rather heterosexist assumptions which has been stated by Jenny Kissinger for example .
20 It 's what I 've always said — he should n't live on his own , not at his age . ’
21 But you know it 's what I 've always thought .
22 It 's what I 've always promised myself and thought I 'd never manage . ’
23 It 's what I 've always wanted .
24 I 'm sure they have priority and it 's what I want anyway .
25 It 's what I do best .
26 It 's what I enjoy most . ’
27 It 's what I hang around for all day , ’ said the poet , ‘ when your mother is doing something useful . ’
28 It 's everything I 've ever dreamed of in a cock .
29 it 's one I 've never heard of prosperity
30 But it 's one I do n't intend to waste . ’
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