Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [prep] any [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , it may at any time be varied or revoked by an ordinary resolution even if that involves an alteration of the articles .
2 It might at any moment be lifted away from me utterly and I would be left exposed .
3 This meant that their authority was rather limited since it could at any moment be revoked by the shareholders .
4 They observe , however , that it would on any view be a grave impediment to the freedom of the press if those who print , or a fortiori those who distribute , matter reflecting critically on the conduct of public authorities could only do so with impunity if they could first verify the accuracy of all statements of fact on which the criticism was based .
5 He declined Dinah 's offer ; no doubt it would in any case be thought improper for two young ladies to drive a young man home .
6 To make things still worse , he added that it would in any case be quite useless for them to make plans without the king 's approval , for nothing could be achieved without his collaboration .
7 It would in any case be difficult to derive the high Sr/Y , La/Yb ratios and low Y and HREE contents of these magmas by fractional crystallization of the main phases present in the rocks : plagioclase , hornblende and clino- pyroxene .
8 Certainly , I never imagined that it would in any way be see-through .
9 It will in any event be one vote , and in no way can I make it count for P and Q and R and S and T , or even just for P and Q.
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