Example sentences of "it [vb past] [been] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thereafter , with its circulation collapsing , it had been in a state of crisis .
2 Although the LDP enjoyed an overall majority in the House of Representatives ( the lower chamber of the Diet ) , it had been in a minority in the 252-seat upper chamber , the House of Councillors , since the elections of July 1989 [ see pp. 36800-01 ] .
3 It had been in a pocket diary , and the names of the faraway places written on it were like magic — Africa , Australia , China , Equator , Printed in Hong Kong , Iceland … .
4 There was no effect on my mind at all , but my body felt as though it had been in the sun too long .
5 It took a long time to open it and when he drank , it tasted warm against his mouth , as if it had been in the sun ; only there was no sun , not even at fifteen thousand .
6 It had been in the air , certainly — around the corner , along with sex .
7 And that the reality of her love was as it had been in the wood : she should never marry anyone else , whatever happened .
8 It had been in the water for four days .
9 It had been in the possession of Henry , Prince of Wales , prior to his accession in 1413 .
10 So far as is known it had never been loaned for exhibition , it had never passed through an auction room and those few who had been fortunate enough to see it had done so at the private house in Oxford where it had been in the possession of the same family for many years .
11 Nevertheless it seems that the eleventh-century history of princely houses was more mundane , more businesslike , than it had been in the past .
12 Edward IV and Henry VII made land revenue far more important than it had been in the past , until by 1509 it slightly exceeded the yield from customs .
13 Although the influence of Cubism on the German painters was less direct than it had been in the development of Futurism ( the work of Delaunay which the Germans most admired , for instance , was no longer really Cubist at all ) , unlike the Italians the Germans made no attempt to disguise their interest in the movement , and several of the artists of the Blaue Reiter actually thought of themselves as Cubist painters .
14 Security was tighter here than it had been in the Union building , and Reynolds had to be signed in by Diane before he could be issued with a visitor 's pass .
15 He says he would n't have taken the job if it had been in the south .
16 have been him if it had been in the south , with me .
17 Under his aegis , the gulf in personal resources between rich and poor became very much wider than it had been in the period 1945–79 .
18 And all the time Nisodemus was reminding people how much better it had been in the Store .
19 Interest and miscellaneous expenses were , however , quite a different matter , and the fact that it had been in the nature of his employment to disburse vast and unspecified amounts , as he put it , ‘ upon the simple word of the treasurer ’ , who had died in 1635 , did not help matters .
20 The singing of the choirs was less assured here than it had been in the group of European folk songs , arranged and conducted by Duncan Hanner at the start of the concert .
21 The British attitude to Europe remained as functional and piecemeal as it had been in the time of Ernest Bevin after 1945 .
22 It was hotter upstairs than it had been in the garden , but she was too lazy to move .
23 Looking around the bedroom , she saw that it was almost exactly as it had been in the photograph , although now there was a book open and face downwards on the patchwork quilt .
24 It was just that at the moment of climax when the escape had to be attempted or abandoned , it became if attempted something quite different from what it had been in the planning .
25 It had been in an accident and it was worthless .
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