Example sentences of "it [vb past] [art] [noun] to [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 It was then more than a misjudgement : it revealed the extent to which the religious intellectuals ' theory of church and state was outdated and incoherent .
2 Then it became a necessity to which nearly everyone conformed .
3 A Duxbury calculation could not by itself provide the answer as to the sum to which the wife was entitled , though it produced a figure to which the judge was entitled to have regard in deciding what was the right answer .
4 It 's the sort of fruitless post-mortem that bridge-players do but the point of the incident is that it showed the extent to which Hunt 's temper could affect his judgement , for in motor racing , as Nigel Mansell was to find out a decade later , to lose one 's cool harms only oneself .
5 The last part of the interview in the present case was in a different class : it was clearly severable and , as it contained no answers to which any evidential weight could attach , it ought to have been severed .
6 The Aldershot principally because it gave a structure to what I had to say at least went up there fairly confident of what I had .
7 Nevertheless , the tendon developed in the right place even though it had no muscle to which it could attach .
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