Example sentences of "it [vb past] [adj] [conj] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 When the boy was brought before Vortigern it became apparent that he had very special powers .
2 Yet in August and September 1858 , when on holiday in Germany , Rostovtsev wrote the tsar four letters in which it became apparent that he had changed his ground .
3 As this conversation continued over an extended period , I was waiting to go out to dinner , erm it became apparent that he had n't understood my position it was apparent again , outside earlier today , that people do not understand the position that people like me take .
4 It became out-of-hand and I had to stop Rose , for after all Miss Ironside was my guest and she was getting very angry and upset .
5 The fact that my slimmers felt so much healthier encouraged them to continue on the diet while they were losing weight and it became clear that they had no intention of falling back in to their old habits .
6 After we reduced the parts to three , it became clear that we had to remove the work from the centre and reduce it to two elements , which would hold the volumes of the north and the south galleries and make a linkage across the Octagon activating the entire space .
7 As we watched the train 's shadows turn and fold on the snowy shore , it became clear that she had not forgotten the stories which made this much more than a stark inland sea stretching as far as the eye can follow .
8 Once she had recovered full consciousness it became clear that she had entirely lost the power of speech .
9 Quickly it became clear that he had mistaken quiet and comfort for contentment .
10 When it became clear that he had nothing to tell me , I made my exit in the face of dismissive politeness .
11 But after a while , the roads on his map began to criss-cross each other in a crazy fashion and it became clear that he had forgotten the geography of his land .
12 The National Party leader , Charles Blunt , also resigned in the aftermath of the election defeat , announcing his decision on April 6 when it became clear that he had lost his seat in the federal parliament .
13 But he was to find no lasting romance again and , as the years went by , it became clear that he had not lost his love for Gabrielle .
14 Finally , foreign museums started contacting the Ministry of Culture and asking if they could buy , let us say , a picture by Malévich or Popova , and then it became clear that I had the pictures .
15 Once I realized I loved her and that she loved me it became clear that I had to leave my wife .
16 But when she broke surface it became evident that she had mislaid two thirds of her costume .
17 The government lost credibility and became increasingly unpopular as it became evident that it had failed to meet the targets which it had set itself in the March 1990 radical economic austerity plan [ see pp. 37312-13 ; 37371 ] .
18 It had been Dalrymple 's idea to require the clan chiefs to take the oath of allegiance and it became obvious that he had hoped for an opportunity to punish one clan as an example to the others .
19 It was patently obvious that she was n't going to get an opportunity to speak to Luke ; it seemed possible that he had manipulated that .
20 Now it seemed fortunate that I had n't ; just as it seemed , though still obscurely , fortunate that I had n't lost my head in other ways when I wrote to her .
21 She loved him , so much that it seemed impossible that she had lived her life this long without him , impossible that he could n't know it from her response .
22 It seemed impossible that it had happened , but from his pocket he unwound the cord and let it dangle from his hand .
23 Working from my assumption that there was something between the two of you anyway , it seemed obvious that you 'd decided to take it much further . ’
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