Example sentences of "it [coord] [adv] [pers pn] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Hot compresses and be quick about it or else I 'm doomed ! "
2 This is in line with the obvious policy , not just of the ruling group , but I suspect of the council as a whole that we know that sooner or later courtesy of this government , whether we like it or not we are going to have to get down to our standard spending assessment .
3 Erm that i it 's a rural revolution erm it is a , it 's it is a revolution which is being led by the poor and you ca n't dismiss this as , them as being riff- raff , they 're , they are the poor peasants and whether we like it or not they are leading our , our revolution .
4 They knew what he was referring to , and Kate resolved that whether Stephen liked it or not she was going to tell Mrs Blakey .
5 Whether you like it or not you 're going to have to change your ways and alter your lifestyle .
6 Ah , I I think this is impo , is so important that actually , whether you like it or not you 're gon na get it , er written down with the scriptures to go with th , o on the next monthly thing .
7 It identified the components of the bomb — not who made it or how it was put aboard Flight 103 .
8 I 've been search for it and here it is look at that , two in there , that 's the new one
9 It 's trusting me to understand the significance of it and why they are giving it to me . ’
10 It gives immediate on-line access to the details , such as the module 's type , its charge code , the Latest and/or Preferred version , who is responsible for it and why it was created .
11 It gives immediate on-line access to the details , such as the module 's type , its charge code , the Latest and Preferred versions , who is responsible for it and why it was created .
12 Before preparing any hand-out , however , teachers must ask themselves why they are giving it and how they are to use it .
13 ‘ If you had asked the same plumber three times to fix a leak , and , every time he has been , he has pottered around a bit and he has gone away , telling you he has fixed it and there you are standing in the kitchen up to your waist in water , are you going to call the same plumber to fix it again ? ’ he asked .
14 Phil has booked it and now we 're going to miss out because you 've forgotten me .
15 We know the details and the w they 're told the facts when we report it and then they 're given a summons .
16 They should be doing that work , if they 're asking us to design a remit , price it and then they 're using that remit to get prices from other people , er I would suggest that , that we perhaps ought to have words with our clients on that basis a and say we 're quite happy to tender in competition but erm i you ought to give it a little bit of thought before you actually put the thing .
17 the only way to do it is get that book one really sort of so he really understands it and then he 's gon na be interested in book two cos he 'll
18 Gerry had seen his face and they got to go and look at the mug shots and all that and er longlegs had been informed across the road because they 'd got er a camera that works and er they got in touch with the , they told the police about it and so they 're going over there to see if it 's been recorded you see .
19 Your worships , Mr works for Wallbank aerials in Worley and he works for them as an engineer his vehicle was erm something that he did use for work , but unfortunately as a result of the accident his has been written off and he has n't yet been able to er , replace it and so he 's having to be erm er , chauffeured by the company to do his er his work .
20 His vehicle was erm something that he did use for work but unfortunately as a result of the accident his has been written off and he has n't yet been able to er replace it and so he 's having to be erm er chauffeured by the company to do his er his work .
21 Concerning the current strike he declared ‘ AFPFL originally had nothing to do with it but now they were backing it and he was finding difficulty in restraining some of his party from adding fuel to the fire . ’
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