Example sentences of "it [coord] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 There it is , God in his mercy and his love , in his graciousness he has provided a gift , a free package gift for you and for me forgiveness , salvation but there is our responsibility of receiving it or taking hold of it , of experiencing it .
2 ‘ They are vulnerable to crime , whether committing it or falling victim to it . ’
3 Our enemies know it and seek advantage from it .
4 Probably everyone knows it and takes advantage of you in the areas where they know you are vulnerable .
5 The creation , validation and accreditation of the record requires that the partnership understands it and takes ownership of it .
6 I had always been interested in history , but Ken with his great command of English was able to explain it and put life into it , particularly when talking about his hero , Charles I. ’
7 And I know these people do n't feel free , I know they 're all hurrying along or sitting there worrying about their jobs or their mortgages or being late or an IRA bomb in the nearest litter-bin , but I look at them and feel a terrible sense of loss , because I think I 've surrendered all this ; the ordinariness of life , the ability just to be part of it and take part in it .
8 This could either involve removing it altogether and blocking up the space with bricks and mortar , or simply locking it and putting furniture against it on both sides .
9 While he was toasting it and putting butter on it , Conradin listened to the noises beyond the dining-room door .
10 They view discourse as a developing process , rather than a finished product ; and this , after all , is how the participants must be handling it and making sense of it , without the benefit of transcription and post hoc theorizing .
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