Example sentences of "it [prep] [pos pn] [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't see it as my job to help them .
2 An age barrier is not an insurmountable wall and I see it as my role to keep my parents young , a challenge indeed !
3 But there 's still enough to make it worth their while doing it .
4 I heard enough to make me think it worth my while to talk it over .
5 These comforted her , not because she had any faith in their message , but because they were phrased with some beauty ; they were made up of words that seemed to apply to some large and other world of other realities , and they bore witness , also , to the fact that somebody had thought it worth his while to put them up .
6 Why you take it off my pile did you ?
7 He says I am gon na cop it off me mother cop it of his mother .
8 Perhaps I think it beneath my dignity to let myself be carried on the spontaneous flood , employing my divine gift of reason only to navigate on the course of greatest awareness .
9 Stephen is tightening a bow , bouncing it against his forearm to check its tension .
10 She exposed the soles of her feet at the mouth of the oven … she drank gall and rubbed her eyes therewith … in her ardent desire for suffering she made herself a silver circlet in which she fixed three rows of sharp points in honour of the thirty-three years that the Son of God lived upon earth … she wore it underneath her veil to make it the more painful as these points being unequally long did not all pierce at the same time … so that with the least agitation these iron thorns tore her flesh in ninety-nine places …
11 Zeinab , who tended to see things in personal terms and who , having been brought up in her father 's house , had something of the great lady in her , took it into her head to protect her servants and rushed out into the street in a passion .
12 She made a lot of conventional noises , of course ; she had to because you ca n't have Rose and Grace getting any sillier than they are already and they might have taken it into their heads to copy you , but I could see she thought you had real spirit .
13 To loose them off together , scatter-gun fashion : Stavrogin says ‘ I am making this statement , incidentally , to prove I am in full possession of my mental faculties and understand my position ’ ; ‘ I want to forgive myself , this is my chief aim , my whole aim ’ ; ‘ I want everyone to look at me ’ ; ‘ I fall back on this as my last resource ’ ; ‘ The thing about me then was I felt bored with life , sick and tired of it ’ ; ‘ I am seeking boundless suffering ’ ; ‘ I took it into my head to mutilate my life somehow ’ ( not necessarily the same thing as seeking suffering , any more than seeking suffering need entail accepting it ) .
14 A subject of the Emperor appears to have taken it into his head to visit our city .
15 I would n't care to be in your shoes if the general took it into his head to inspect you now .
16 Is there any reason to suppose her otherwise , or has anybody taken it into his head to try her ?
17 Maybe he just heard about the Andrus business and took it into his head to avenge it .
18 ‘ Of course nothing can be formally arranged just at this present , ’ went on Miss Merchiston , and Theda almost laughed out to see the burgeoning hope in the poor man 's face , ‘ for with dear Mama in this sad condition , I could not reconcile it with my conscience to leave her in the care of other hands .
19 Desiree Ntolo built it in her garden to remind her of Africa .
20 If she had had it in her power to change anything in that one moment , it would be for Matthew to come to her as a friend .
21 She has n't still got it in her ear has she ?
22 As the fellows told the King in September 1687 , " the Electing the Bishop of Oxford " was " directly contrary to their statutes , and to their positive oaths " , and although " they were as ready to obey the K. in all things that lay in their power " , they " could not apprehend it in their power to obey him in this matter " .
23 Cisco Systems Inc , Menlo Park , California , has managed to pull 12 other companies behind it in its attempt to develop its APPI , Advanced Program-to-Program Internetworking alternative to IBM Corp 's Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking .
24 Yet if he , just a man , could not find it in his heart to condemn his brother or the boy who had used his brother 's weaknesses to lure him to his death , how could this God of love of his childhood destroy so savagely and so arbitrarily ?
25 His considered assessment was that Ken 's narrative verse was ‘ often cumbrous ’ and his lyric verse ‘ not seldom languid and redundant ; yet all breathing an angelic spirit interspersed with such pure and bright touches of poetry that a reader will scarcely find it in his heart to criticize him ’ .
26 He 's been sat there all day like a stuffed dummy , then he suddenly comes to life , grabs the dinner and runs off with it trailing between his legs , tripping and stumbling over it in his anxiety to have it all to himself .
27 That should protect her from those worrying bouts of weakness whenever Roman took it in his head to produce his caveman act and haul her into a passionate clinch …
28 And then — since you can not find it in your heart to love me — we will go our separate ways , for ever and ever , never to meet more .
29 Emilia said quietly , ‘ I think you have it in your heart to murder me . ’
30 Dear Newsagent , I would be Judith-Chalmers-ly indebted to your good suntan if you could find it in your deckchair to reserve me my very own monthly copy of that phew-missus-it's-a-scorcher gamesplaying bible , ZZAP ! 64 , starting with the July issue , on sale Thursday 25 June .
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