Example sentences of "it [adv] [vb -s] [art] [noun] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 It merely expresses the ambivalence which is a common human experience where some aspect of an entity pleases you and some other aspect fails to please .
2 Blinkered and self-serving as this picture may appear ( it entirely ignores the gains which the USSR has achieved through war ) , it will be clear on reflection that what is meant by ‘ peace ’ is conflict without war : or , to invert these terms , ‘ a form of warfare which permits the settlement of unavoidable clashes between Socialism and Capitalism without having recourse to general armed conflict , ( author 's italics ) .
3 It thus turns a model which is untestable , since no conceivable data could prove it wrong , into a testable one .
4 But it hardly supports the conclusion which , without further ado , Berkeley draws from it : that it is not possible that sensible things ‘ should have any existence out of the minds or thinking things which perceive them ’ .
5 It also becomes an experience which indirectly registers the resilience of the individual 's own immediate cultural past : forgetfulness and oblivion are the means of its escape , but become so in a way which register its continuing presence .
6 It also considers the factors which cause undesirable consequences and suggests policy decisions and design methods for controlling these factors .
7 A fall in oil prices lowers all energy prices and encourages economic growth but if it also re-establishes the dependence which made the two oil shocks so effective in curtailing growth , then nothing useful has been achieved .
8 Accounting for Growth is a guide for investors on how to spot creative accounting techniques used in annual accounts — quite legally — to flatter profits ; it also contains a list which shows how many of the UK 's top companies use these techniques and to what extent .
9 The current increase in premiums ( where applicable ) is unavoidable — and it simply reflects a situation which applies to every insurance company .
10 While the decision can not be impugned on the facts , it undoubtedly confirms the difficulties which inventor employees face where the employer 's sales can only be traced to a single main purchaser of the patented product .
11 An action is relevantly similar if it too has the properties which constituted one 's reasons for the judgement in the first case .
12 The decentralized Evans model underestimates the amount of material which lies unused in departments for long periods of the year and which might be of value to another discipline , or to a pupil in the enquiry mode ; it certainly contains no element which would stress interdisciplinary thinking , inter.departmental cooperation or the sharing of acquisitions and experience .
13 It therefore presupposes a principle which should govern its activities .
14 It is presented primarily to inform and stimulate debate and it therefore adopts a style which is unusual in this journal .
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