Example sentences of "it [adv] [coord] [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I caught a bit of it on and we sat down and went to sleep .
2 So I threw the I put some thirty , thirty six on my hand , I put it on and it went hard
3 I tried it on and it fitted well enough .
4 He says well I 'm not paying you for it , he says you put it on and it do n't work , he says well we want it back , he says well you take it back and put my parts on that you took off , he says we ca n't , he says well I 'm not paying you hundred and forty pound for a part that do n't work and he says , anyway he says er , are you sure it 's a hundred and forty pound he said , an oil filter cost ten pound at some places but they 're actually only two so if you di divide it by five that 's forty pounds , he says I 'll pay you forty pound , but I 'm not paying you no hundred and forty he said .
5 The autocratic old Frenchman came out of it badly and he did not like it .
6 Well if you stop crying and ask for it properly and you do n't mind if mummy or daddy do it for you that 's fine .
7 because er I mean you put anything hot down on that and e the tip is if you put anything down hot , you take a rag and a a saucer with some raw linseed oil and you heat the rag and you rub it gently and it brings sometimes you know the the the white marks .
8 Being submissive is the co point where what happens when you 're submissive you keep it inside you do n't feel you 're worthy enough or you have n't got you have n't got the self esteem to rate yourself as being able to have what it is that you want , so you keep it inside and you do n't say anything and then you walk away should 've said this and should 've said that and all it does is eat away at you and it does that to you physically as well I mean scientific tests are already showing now that physically these sort of things you do if often be submissive enough what that does it pretty much helps helps you to eat your body up from the inside and causes physical problems which pretty much do that anyway .
9 Well they 've written it in but they have n't ticked it .
10 You should take it in but you did n't — just rolled it on to the next beat .
11 You could feel the crowd willing it in but it did n't make it and I was beginning to feel it was slipping away , and especially when we could only make par at the 17th .
12 took it in and they said well they have to send it away and Dave said , yeah okay , he said well it 's forty nine pound before you start
13 Some of the kids are quite awestruck , but when they get older , they can take it in and they get quite excited .
14 He gave me a pretty cane basket to put it in and I went upstairs , opened the trunk and loaded all the balls I could get into the basket .
15 And it 's raw linseed oil , you dip your you have it in a dish and you dip this pad into the into this dish and you put a little drop of raw linseed oil on that , and you work it in and you go round and round in circles and you you know , I mean , and that 's left .
16 wide brim things and put it down and it comes down here on me
17 Apparently during the First World War some professor erm was using a bunsen burner and he burned himself quite badly and by him he just happ he just happened to have some lavender oil essential and for the nearest thing he put his hand in there and apparently it was supposed to have calmed it down and it healed very quickly .
18 We had delivered it but they had n't taken it from the gate house to you know , normal procedure but they , we delivered it normally but they had n't taken it to the exact part of the hospital it was going to .
19 Just got to counter , she started putting it through and I looked up and there were these signposts , and it says cash only .
20 It 's o onl only a thought anyway , we just , as I say we 're just erm we 're mulling it over and it has n't the jobs have n't even come up yet , but erm it 's , it 's it 's a means to a
21 exercise some option to , to switch it over and I did n't need the cash at the time
22 When I feed the birds she 'll go and pick it over and I see today I put her
23 Ah just a couple of people that 's all two people and er they 'll just have to get round it somehow but we do n't yeah well you speak to him right yeah well they can have they can have what they want but I mean it might be just a short term thing .
24 I had it yesterday but you know how you just sort of start to get it , you 've got all the germs but they have n't quite come out ?
25 No I , I dead-headed them today , you were going to do it yesterday but you did n't .
26 Do I walked round with it yesterday and nobody noticed well actually I had it on my cardi
27 I had it yesterday and I came here and Karen was hurrying me up and I must have dropped it somewhere .
28 I sent it off but I have n't had anything back .
29 Mr Fletcher , 64 , from Ormskirk , said : ‘ I thought it was a good snap and sent it off but I did n't think any more about it . ’
30 They produce press releases and they send it off and they feel terribly bitter and twisted and unhappy because nobody takes any notice of it , but they do n't realize that what they 've actually produced makes no sense at all to the person receiving it on the other end .
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