Example sentences of "it [adv] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The Pioneers did not ‘ attempt to carry it on as part of their own activities under the control of the general body of members ’ .
2 They should have got a self certificate and then sent it on to Road for you .
3 They should have got a self certificate and then sent it on to Road for you .
4 Then I would be an artisan , quietly learning my trade at the feet of a master and passing it on in turn to my apprentices .
5 that I would also put it on in relation to your , to , to , to , to , to your Lordship and to considering the matter in interim , your Lordship has er , erm , er heard er the information that had been put forward er by the society , you have seen the er information about the position the commission has taken , your Lordship knows that the commission was informed about both the act and all the relevant byelaws in the present case , the precursored , the central fund byelaw was informally proved by the commission Mrs has sworn on affidavit that the society has never been given any indication that the matters in issue in the European Law Defence are contrary to competition rules and your Lordship also has the answer by the commission to the European parliament which is exhibited to Mrs affidavit and which I took your Lordship to earlier and of which judicial note can be taken by virtual section three , two of the European communities act , so my Lord we say that there is already a body of information which provides a basis if one has to consider what should be done in the interim of saying that in the interim the application of the act and the application for byelaws should be maintained , the third element my Lord is the intimate link between the recoveries of money for the central fund , er under the byelaw and the implementation of the United Kingdom 's operations under directive seventy three , two , three , nine , we 've been over this before my Lord erm , my Lord is , is aware of the intimate link er between the er recovery of monies to central fund , the maintenance solvency and the paying of policy holders .
6 Go up about two miles , hit a junction , ‘ Abeline 's Diner ’ , you 'll see it right in front of you , small place , nothing fancy .
7 I know that my hon. Friend will understand that I can make no comments about the merits of the proposal which is the subject of our debate or about the case for calling it in for determination by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State .
8 She felt Adam 's ribs swell suddenly as he took in a huge breath ; he thrust her away from him , seized hold of the roof slab as if to pull it down on top of them ; and screamed .
9 She leapt towards him and , seizing the plate of biscuits , brought it down on top of her head until it shattered , and fell onto her arms .
10 If she had been a religious person she would have put it down to retribution for her sins , but she had lost whatever faith she had had in her years as the Madam of Dublin 's most fashionable brothel .
11 Away goes Lawrence to , takes it again with the bottom hand away from the bat , it 's off the back foot this time , stabbing it down in front of him , a short of a length ball .
12 When you replace the receiver after calling them , you get caught up at once by all the other pressing demands on your time , while they , in some cases , may be left sitting in a silent room , turning over everything you have said , and sifting it eagerly for confirmation of your real affection and concern for them .
13 He was told : ‘ We try to keep the panelling for three years , to get it thoroughly seasoned while other wood is dried artificially if required before it has time to get seasoned … we use chiefly mahogany , oak and walnut , a vast amount of teak — one of the most useful woods in railway construction — sycamore ; yellow deal for partitions , roofs and floors ; elm we find of very little use , but we are now very partial to Padouk wood [ from South Australia ] , though the workmen do n't like it much on account of its toughness ’ .
14 She plucked the thermometer from Forster and held it unbelievingly in front of her .
15 He wanted to know what had happened , wanted to understand the dynamics of the situation and to store it away as part of his constantly changing , growing understanding of himself and of those around him .
16 Shrugging off the severely cut navy blue linen jacket of her new designer suit , she tossed it over on top of her briefcase , before sinking down on to a sofa and sighing with relief as she slipped off her high-heeled blue court shoes .
17 On February 1 , 1941 Yamamoto showed his plan to Rear Admiral Takijiro Onishi , Chief of Staff of the 11th Air Fleet , he turned it over for study to his most able commander , Minoru Genda .
18 Data General will market it elsewhere as part of its AViiON series , but wo n't announce the box until later this summer when it plans to unveil other long-awaited 88110-based additions to its workstation and server line .
19 Data General will market it elsewhere as part of its AViiON series , but wo n't announce the box until later this summer when it plans to unveil other long-awaited 88110-based additions to its workstation and server line .
20 His parents were indignant when they discovered about it and he gave it up through respect for their views .
21 When you have bought the material , if you own a machine you make it up with help from everyone else in your family .
22 When you screw it up on top of your head it makes you look like that woman out of South Pacific , the one who sings ‘ Bali Ha'i ’ or whatever . ’
23 I 'll serve it up on toast for you . ’
24 A DIVORCED wife cut off her former husband 's manhood with a razor and forced him to hold it up in front of her mocking friends , police said in Dacca , Bangladesh .
25 He was recently quoted as saying : ‘ I 've got a terrible habit when people bring in a picture and say they want to look like that — I invariably tear it up in front of them .
26 The first figure struck a match and held it up in front of him , the tiny yellow flame glowing brightly .
27 Hold it up in front of him like a cross in front of Dracula ?
28 I got my wallet out of my pocket and held it up in front of my eyes .
29 But Joe insisted on holding it carefully in front of him .
30 The Frenchman lifted his glass and , holding it out in front of him , spoke one word Churchill .
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