Example sentences of "it [modal v] also [verb] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Not only might such a diagram act as a checklist of the types of land use to look for in a study of any area , but it may also serve to prompt questions about the working of the basic agricultural economic units which make up the English landscape .
2 As a result , while the Authority can justifiably take much of the credit for the transformation of certain aspects of primary education in Leeds which PNP began to yield , it may also need to accept responsibility for some of PNP 's manifest weaknesses .
3 Rather less simply , some people close to Crédit Lyonnais think it may also have lent money to Florio Fiorini , a Swiss-based Italian associated with Mr Parretti .
4 It may also have taken business away from John Smiths , because one enters its sales area straight off the street , whereas Smiths ' comparable sections are well above pavement level .
5 It should also have defined measures of performance , a mechanism for recognising when deviations occur , and a means of taking control action when necessary , factors that are particularly relevant to the Procedure Audit process .
6 It should also help to raise cash for the training of counsellors who help to revitalise jaded relationships and can therefore make St Valentine 's Days of the future much more worth celebrating .
7 It must also have provided opportunities for men to meet regularly to discuss politics , and such discussions , and the attitude of those in the shires in times of crisis , may often have centred on how far they thought the king and his officials were living up to what was expected of them .
8 This would not only save money and help to curb the growth of the world 's stocks of separated plutonium ; it might also help to persuade Russia to dispose of its plutonium , rather than weaving an economic pipedream around it .
9 It might also have included woodland in which , again , the peasants could not graze their animals , but which the manorial lord would have used exclusively for his own purposes , including hunting .
10 Custom of the manor defined peasant obligations , but it could also help to determine peasant rights .
11 It would also need to embrace countries like Nigeria , which are still unrealistically classed as middle-income and therefore not eligible for Paris-club relief .
12 It would also need to pay attention to regional variations , since it is true , even in these days of mass mobility and the mass media , that to travel to a place remote from a major centre of population is to move back in time and rediscover the traditions and practices of an earlier period .
13 It would also begin to ensure individuals a regular , if initially small income that is independent of both work and welfare , which they can spend or save as they please .
14 The GCC says it will also continue to monitor water privatisation , food scares , and independent appeals procedures in education .
15 It will also continue to seek ways to reduce emissions further , in line with corporate objectives for continuous improvement in environmental performance .
16 It will also help to heal mouth ulcers and prevent the onset of gingivitis .
17 It will also help to develop people 's creativity and ideas in using these skills in the community , whether it 's setting up a business , starting a co-operative or completing a personal project , ’ he said .
18 It will also help strengthen nails and moisturise cuticles .
19 IT will also help to prevent communication failures .
20 As well as reducing efficiency , it will also have reduced equity .
21 It will also seek to reverse deforestation in Papua New Guinea , Vanuatu , Fiji , New Caledonia and the Solomons .
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