Example sentences of "it [modal v] be [noun] [prep] me " in BNC.

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1 Let me straight away , er , that it might be folly of me to assume that er , you know a great deal about I B M. By the way I B M stands for International Business Machines , not as , some people used to think , International Ballistic Missiles .
2 Oh , it 'll be purgatory for me at least , I 'm sure .
3 When the time comes an' I ca n't lift a hundredweight of sugar or me old black pan , then it 'll be time for me to retire upstairs for good . ’
4 It 'll be time for me to go and collect Maria soon — ‘
5 I would have thought that we might go on holiday , well going on quite a long holiday , we 're going on holiday after the project video 's completed , so it 'll be Christmas for me
6 I dare not spend another farthing , and it would be suicide for me to go to the bank , even if Richard agreed , which he wo n't . ’
7 It would be madness for me to refuse you through hurt pride when all I want to do is be with you , as I have just found out . ’
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